優雅、芬芳的蘆葦擴散器 用米漿和櫻花的柔和香氣填充空間,帶來令人愉悅的甜美和奶油香氣 為身體和靈魂帶來鎮靜效果 適合全屋使用:從客廳到浴室、廚房和衛生間 持續長達三個月
由 70% 天然蠟製成的令人放鬆的香味蠟燭 靈感來自正宗的阿育吠陀成分,如印度玫瑰和甜杏仁油 用精緻舒緩的香氣填充空間,提升心情 燃燒長達 50 小時 裝在一個嵌有金色銘牌的帶棱紋的紅...
The Ritual of Ayurveda 香氛棒的迷你變體 專為您家中的小房間打造 提供一種自然而時尚的方式來為您的家增香 散發著古老 Ayurvedic 成分杏仁油和印度玫瑰的溫和香氣...
精之禮香棒的迷你變體 專為您家中的小房間打造 提供一種自然而時尚的方式來為您的家增香 基於神聖蓮花和棗的柔和香氣 用平靜的香氛體驗輕輕地為房間增添香氣 持續 4-5 週
The Ritual of Sakura 香氛棒的迷你變體 專為您家中的小房間打造 提供一種自然而時尚的方式來為您的家增香 結合了米漿和櫻花的柔和香氣,帶來令人愉悅的甜味和奶油香氣 持續 ...
奢華香氛棒,為您的家增添時尚氣息 以香根草和爽口檸檬的綠色香調為基礎,並融入令人安心的草本快樂鼠尾草 打造優雅&長達5個月的特殊氛圍 裝在設計精美的玻璃瓶中,是家居裝飾的理想之選
奢華香氛棒,為您的家增添時尚氣息 基於新鮮柑橘香和漿果的閃耀和充滿活力的果味前調,帶來牡丹和鈴蘭等優雅的花朵 營造長達 5 個月的甜蜜浪漫家庭氛圍 裝在設計精美的玻璃瓶中,是家居裝飾的理想之選
由 70% 天然蠟製成的奢華、香氣濃郁的蠟燭 讓空間充滿舒緩的香氣 注入快樂鼠尾草油,具有刺激和修復效果 創造片刻的純粹寧靜 燃燒約60小時 裝在漂亮的香檳色玻璃罐中,是家居裝飾的理想...
An elegant, fragranced reed diffuser Fills the space with the soft aroma of Sacred Lotus & Jujub...
A relaxing, scented candle made of 70% natural wax Inspired by the short-lived beauty of Hanami, ...
An enchanting home parfum spray that beautifully combines rice milk & cherry blossom notes Inspir...
A luxurious reed diffuser Sweet, floral, warm, soothing & elegant Inspired by the ancient wisdom...
A soft floral home perfume spray that blends soothing lotus flower & calming jujube notes Inspire...
A floral & spicy scented candle that blends invigorating citrus & floral notes Inspired by the ri...
Luxurious fragrance sticks that provide a stylish way to perfume your home Scented with an entici...
A luxurious scented candle that blends an soothing aroma Inspired by the idea of creating good ka...
A stylish car perfume holder that blends the soothing aroma of lotus flower & the refreshing scent...
A stylish car perfume holder that blends smoky leather & warm tonka bean notes Inspired by the id...
A luxurious mini reed diffuser Invite summer into your home year-round Sweet, floral, fresh, cal...
- Savage Garden (2)
- Sweet Jasmine (1)
- The Ritual Of Ayurveda (2)
- The Ritual Of Jing (1)
- The Ritual Of Sakura (2)
- Wild Fig (1)