The Candle Company Carroll Chan Ginger Lily

The Candle Company (Carroll & Chan) 100% 蜂蠟錫蠟燭 - 姜百合 (100% Beeswax Tin Candle - Ginger Lily)

香味優美的 100% 蜂蠟錫蠟燭 由蜜蜂製成的全天然蠟製成 以獨特宜人的香味溫暖任何空間 配有木製燈芯,確保每次都能完全清潔燃燒 燃燒約 25 小時 採用不含塑料的環保包裝設計 不...

(8x6) cm NT$988
The Candle Company (Carroll & Chan) 100% Beeswax Votive Candle - Ginger Lily

A beautifully-scented, 100% beeswax candle Made of an entirely natural wax made by bees Warms an...

65g/2.3oz NT$820