Roger Gallet
被列為女性的柑橘芳香香精 幫寶適的感覺具有涼爽和閃閃的感覺。 前調是薄荷,葡萄柚和雪松。 中調為羅勒和荳蔻。 基調為麝香,香根草和白色琥珀。 非常適合日常穿著
香tron香氣十足的沐浴露 提供豐富和奶油泡沫。 輕柔地清潔肌膚,保持自然平衡。 令肌膚絲般柔軟,水嫩和清新。 散發著令人耳目一新的美味和振奮人心的香味,帶給您感官享受 帶給您卡拉布里...
豪華,香熏的清潔棒 提供良好的起泡體驗,以溫和清潔皮膚 富含精油,可保持皮膚的水分平衡,而不會過度乾燥。 注入清新的柑橘香,喚醒您的感官。 令肌膚柔軟,光滑,舒適。
豪華,香熏的清潔棒 提供良好的起泡體驗,以溫和清潔皮膚 富含精油,可保持皮膚的水分平衡,且不會過度乾燥。 注入無花果果實和花朵的芬芳氣息。 令肌膚柔軟,光滑,舒適。
適合現代女性的花香木香 配方含有 87% 的天然成分,提供強大的健康益處 香脆、辛辣、泥土、優雅、提神 黑醋栗的前調 茉莉花、橙花和玉蘭的中調 廣藿香和雪鬆的基調 2018年推出 ...
適合現代女性的花香型香水。 配方含87%天然成分,可提供強大的健康功效 新鮮,甜美,辛辣,女性味,性感和性感 前調為橘子和粉紅胡椒。 中調為玫瑰和羅勒。 雪松和伊萊米的基調 於2...
花香的木質香調,適合當代女性。 配方含87%天然成分,可提供強大的健康功效 酥脆,辛辣,泥土味,優雅和活力 黑醋栗的前調 中調為茉莉,橙花和木蘭。 基調為廣&香和雪松 於2018年推...
一款香味清淡、保濕的護手霜和美甲霜 不粘膩且不油膩的質地適合中性至乾性皮膚 富含石榴油,具有滋養和再生特性 含有乳木果油,軟化和滋潤肌膚 注入微妙的、充滿活力的香味,以提升情緒 用健康的...
適合當代女性的花香 配方含有 87% 的天然成分,提供強大的健康益處 清新、甜美、辛辣、柔美、性感和性感 柑橘和粉紅胡椒的前調 玫瑰和羅勒的中調 基調是雪松和欖香 2018年推出...
一款適合女性的花香西普香水 新鮮、甜美、波光粼粼、強烈且令人上癮 柑橘、黑醋栗和佛手柑的前調 中調:木蘭精華、橙花、茉莉和玫瑰 麝香、心臟雪松和廣藿香的基調 於 2020 年推出 適合...
薑黃胭脂套裝: 1x 健康香氛水 30ml/1oz 1x 健康香皂 100g/3.5oz 1x 健康沐浴露 50ml/1.6oz 1x 健康潤膚露 50ml/1.6oz
玫瑰禮盒: 1x 健康香氛水 30ml/1oz 1x 健康香皂 100g/3.5oz 1x 健康沐浴露 50ml/1.6oz 1x 健康潤膚露 50ml/1.6oz
A fruity-floral fragrance for unisex Inspired by the relaxing essence of fig trees, capturing the...
A citrus-woody fragrance for unisex Inspired by the vibrant essence of the bitter orange tree, ca...
A fruity-floral fragrance for unisex Inspired by the joyful essence of osmanthus, capturing its a...
A floral fruity fragrance for women Inspired by the original Eau de Cologne formula, enriched wit...
A fruity-spicy fragrance for unisex Inspired by the exotic essence of ginger, capturing its candi...
A fruity-floral fragrance for unisex Inspired by the relaxing essence of fig trees, capturing the...
A citrus-woody fragrance for unisex Inspired by the vibrant essence of the bitter orange tree, ca...
A fruity-floral fragrance for unisex Inspired by the joyful essence of osmanthus, capturing its a...
A citrus-woody fragrance for unisex Inspired by the vibrant essence of citron, capturing its zest...
A floral fruity fragrance for women Inspired by the original Eau de Cologne formula, enriched wit...
A citrus-aromatic cologne for unisex Inspired by the original formula created in 1806, capturing ...
A refreshing shower gel that cleanses & revitalizes skin Enriched with natural ginger extract, it...
A refreshing shower gel that cleanses & revitalizes skin Developed with plant-based cleansing bas...
A luxurious soap that cleanses & pampers skin Produces a fine & generous foam that envelops your ...
Rose Wellbeing Soap Coffret: 3x Rose Wellbeing Soap 100g/3.5oz Ideal for personal use or as a gi...
A nourishing body lotion that hydrates & soothes skin Absorbs quickly without leaving a sticky or...
Orange Wood Wellbeing Soaps Coffret: 3x Bois D'Orange Wellbeing Soap 100g/3.5oz Ideal for person...
A nourishing body lotion that hydrates & revitalizes skin Features a light texture that is absorb...
Fig Blossom Wellbeing Soaps Coffret: 3x Fleur De Figuier Wellbeing Soap 100g/3.5oz Ideal for per...
A hand cream that nourishes & protects skin Penetrates easily without leaving a sticky or greasy ...
A hand cream that nourishes & protects skin Penetrates easily without leaving a sticky or greasy ...
- Cedrat (Citron) (2)
- Extrait De Cologne Series (4)
- Fleur De Figuier (4)
- Gingembre Rouge (4)
- Jean Marie Farina (2)
- Rose (3)