Guerlain Noir G The Graphic Liner Hight Precision Eyeliner Pen - # 01 Black 0.55ml/0.01oz
- A waterproof, high-precision matte eyeliner pen
- Infused with natural-origin charcoal
- Creates an intensely matte finish with all-day hold
- Offers easy, buildable & smudge-free application
- Delivers a tailor-made graphic result of varying intensity as desired
- Fine & flexible tip draws a buildable line
- Suitable for all skin types
男女皆宜的柑橘香氛 清脆、乾淨、辛辣、綠色、明亮和充滿活力 前調是卡拉布里亞佛手柑和苦橙葉 中調是小荳蔻和生薑 基調是木質調和白麝香 2017年推出 適合春季或夏季穿著
男女皆宜的柑橘香氛 清脆、乾淨、辛辣、綠色、明亮和充滿活力 前調是卡拉布里亞佛手柑和苦橙葉 中調是小荳蔻和生薑 基調是木質調和白麝香 2017年推出 適合春季或夏季穿著
適合現代女性的花香水生香 輕盈、酥脆、多汁、草本、粉狀和提神 前調是紫羅蘭、水潤色調、甜瓜和野花 中調是太陽色調、茉莉和橙花 基調是紫羅蘭、鳶尾和白麝香 2021年推出 推薦春夏穿著
男女皆宜的芳香果味香水 清脆、甜美、溫暖、樸實、充滿活力和精緻 前調是黑加侖、檸檬和佛手柑 石榴、鼠尾草、玫瑰和絲柏的中調 基調是白麝香、苔蘚和廣藿香 2020年推出 非常適合夏天穿
男女皆宜的芳香果味香水 清脆、甜美、溫暖、樸實、充滿活力和精緻 前調是黑加侖、檸檬和佛手柑 石榴、鼠尾草、玫瑰和絲柏的中調 基調是白麝香、苔蘚和廣藿香 2020年推出 非常適合夏天穿
適合現代女性的柑橘香氛 新鮮、多汁、提神且均衡 柑橘、橙花、常春藤、綠茶和苦橙的前調 牡丹、洋甘菊、橘子和羅勒的中調 檀香和琥珀的基調 2007年推出 適合所有場合
柑橘芳香香水,男女皆宜 酥脆、辛辣、明亮、溫暖、振奮人心 含有紅橙、薄荷、零陵香豆、粉紅胡椒、佛手柑和木香調 2020年推出 適合春季或夏季穿著
適合現代女性的花果香 清新、甜美、多汁、優雅、女性化和誘人 前調是佛手柑、荔枝、黑醋栗和檸檬 中調是玫瑰和牡丹 基調是木質香調、雪松和白麝香 2018年推出 適合所有場合
適合現代女性的花果香 清新、甜美、多汁、優雅、女性化和誘人 前調是佛手柑、荔枝、黑醋栗和檸檬 中調是玫瑰和牡丹 基調是木質香調、雪松和白麝香 2018年推出 適合所有場合
適合充滿活力的男士的柑橘琥珀香氛 清新、明亮、樸實、甜美、溫暖、複雜且誘人 前調是檸檬、巴西玫瑰木、橙子、佛手柑、酸橙、橘子和羅勒 中調是玫瑰、康乃馨、檀香、肉桂、廣藿香、茉莉和雪松 基調是香草、皮革、琥珀、安息香、橡苔和勞丹脂 於 2003 年推出,向馬術藝術致敬完美適合所有場合 呈現在方形、多面和精緻的瓶子裡,帶有厚重的啞光瓶蓋
受皮膚美容護理啟發的雙重功效面部精華素 由 96% 的天然成分配製而成 採用雙重先進技術,一步完成去角質和提拉效果 先進的去角質技術:富含恢復光澤的白蜂蜜濃縮物、AHAS 緩釋技術和重塑 PHAS 先進的提升效果技術:青春矯正 Dynamic Blackbee Repair 技術有助於刺激皮膚的修復過程,富含源自生物技術專利方法的緊緻多發酵蜂蜜 十種微生物和超過 300 種反應將 Ouessant 和 Ikaria 島的蜂蜜轉化為新的強大活性成分 收細毛孔,收緊肌膚組織結構 皮膚變得更光滑、更緊緻、更明亮和煥然一新 採用創新的雙層玻璃瓶包裝,可將活性成分完美保存到最後一刻,並顯著減少塑料用量
適合現代女性的柑橘香氛 活潑、濃郁的意大利柑橘與檀香的迷人力量和香草酊的誘人溫暖完美融合,讓您的感官著迷 新鮮、多汁、提神且均衡 前調是橘子、羅勒和黑醋栗 中調是橙花、蜂蜜、保加利亞玫瑰和茴香 基調是香草和檀香 含有90%以上的天然來源 裝在至少含有 15% 回收玻璃的可再灌裝和可回收瓶中 適合所有場合 法國製造
適合現代女性的花香水生香 輕盈、酥脆、多汁、草本、粉狀和提神 前調是紫羅蘭、水潤色調、甜瓜和野花 中調是太陽色調、茉莉和橙花 基調是紫羅蘭、鳶尾和白麝香 2021年推出 推薦春夏穿著
適合現代女性的柑橘香氛 新鮮、多汁、提神且均衡 柑橘、橙花、常春藤、綠茶和苦橙的前調 牡丹、洋甘菊、橘子和羅勒的中調 檀香和琥珀的基調 2007年推出 適合所有場合
清爽的女士香水 閃閃發光,充滿活力,感性而充滿異國情調 就像從陽光普照的慷慨而柔軟的肉體中流出 前調是檸檬、葡萄果、佛手柑 黑加侖、小穀物的中調 廣藿香和香草的基調
清新、木質和感性的香味 帶有胡椒、雪松、皮革和香草的香氣 推薦白天穿著
新一代卓越再生高度濃縮眼部護理 在 96% 的高度天然納米乳液中結合了面霜的豐富和柔軟與凝膠的輕盈和清新 由新的 Orchid Totum Molecular Eye Lift TM 提取物提供動力,可調節細胞呼吸並優化皮膚再生 針對一種長壽酶,幫助延長皮膚的年輕外觀 採用尖端技術,Nano-Concentration TM2,將蘭花提取物推向皮膚的心臟,提供逐漸和持續的擴散 按摩工具的圓潤外形完美貼合眼部輪廓 陶瓷的涼爽觸感可對眼部輪廓和表情紋進行深度、精確的按摩,具有恢復活力和刺激效果 顯露出明顯更光滑、提拉和更年輕的眼部區域
高效抗衰老面部精華素 軟皮配方提供“新皮膚”效果 促進表皮的更新周期而不刺激皮膚 由 Ouessant 黑蜂蜂蜜和獨家蜂王漿提供支持 幫助對抗明顯的衰老跡象 減少皺紋和毛孔的出現,同時改善皮膚彈性和緊緻度 注入清新輕盈的蜂蜜香氣 臉看起來更飽滿,輪廓看起來更精緻 呈現更光滑、更容光煥發、更年輕的膚色
男士皮革香水 該品牌首款琥珀色男士香水 向馬術藝術致敬:對人類的精湛技藝和動物的力量同樣重要 以自由與力量的名義重新詮釋:一匹野馬的特性,其動力和力量激發了這款香水 清新、明亮、光滑、神秘、魅力和令人上癮 前調是綠色元素、佛手柑和葡萄柚 中調是大麻、馬黛茶和紅玫瑰 基調是皮革、廣藿香和香草 2022年推出 適合所有場合
男士皮革香水 該品牌首款琥珀色男士香水 向馬術藝術致敬:對人類的精湛技藝和動物的力量同樣重要 以自由與力量的名義重新詮釋:一匹野馬的特性,其動力和力量激發了這款香水 清新、明亮、光滑、神秘、魅力和令人上癮 前調是綠色元素、佛手柑和葡萄柚 中調是大麻、馬黛茶和紅玫瑰 基調是皮革、廣藿香和香草 2022年推出 適合所有場合
Set: 1x Guerlain Abeille Royale Day Cream (Normal to Combination Skin) - 30ml/1oz 1x Natural Beauty BIO UP a-GG Golden Yeast Radiance Firming Serum - 40ml/1.33oz Ideal both for personal use & as a gift
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A light-diffusing foundation which combines a powder’s level of precision with the fluidity of a liquid foundation Features an incredibly fine & light texture to offer a barely-there feel Developed with an all-day wear, no-transfer formula which guarantees a beautiful glow Powered by an airy formula to fuse with skin & delivers a tailor-made, buildable medium to high coverage Formulated with 95% naturally-derived ingredients Infused with Argan oil to deliver a lasting comfort & maintain skin’s hydration Creates a flawless yet unbelievably natural luminous matte finish Comes in a wide array of 30 shades for different skin tones
A skin perfecting, ultra-hydrating & radiance boosting primer The iconic sensory gel texture creates instantly unified skin Formulated with 98% naturally-derived ingredients Contains a hint of 24-karat gold that provides 24-hour absolute radiance Delivers optimal hydration for 24 hours & strengthens the barrier function Corrects imperfections & smooths skin texture for a flawless canvas ready for makeup Skin appears plumper & rejuvenated Presented in a deluxe transparent jewel-like bottle with a golden cap
A shimmering powder formulated with 96% naturally-derived ingredients A resplendent golden complexion in a naturally-derived formula Features a light, buildable second-skin texture that settles like a delicate veil on skin Infused with natural Argan oil with moisturising properties to offer long-lasting wear & comfort all day long Reproduces the distinctive, dazzling & sensual light of the golden hour for a radiant & sensual glow
A shimmering powder formulated with 96% naturally-derived ingredients A resplendent golden complexion in a naturally-derived formula Features a light, buildable second-skin texture that settles like a delicate veil on skin Infused with natural Argan oil with moisturising properties to offer long-lasting wear & comfort all day long Reproduces the distinctive, dazzling & sensual light of the golden hour for a radiant & sensual glow
A citrus aromatic fragrance for women & men Celebrates the beauty of nature, revealed by the golden rays of a sunset Warm, intense, smooth, sensual & enveloping Top notes are bergamot, fig leaf & Petitgrain Middle notes are neroli, fig & rose Base notes are vetiver, cedar & Tonka bean Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for daily wear & casual occasions
A citrus aromatic fragrance for women & men Celebrates the beauty of nature, revealed by the golden rays of a sunset Warm, intense, smooth, sensual & enveloping Top notes are bergamot, fig leaf & Petitgrain Middle notes are neroli, fig & rose Base notes are vetiver, cedar & Tonka bean Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for daily wear & casual occasions
An aromatic floral fragrance for women & men Soft, warm, sweet, delicious, woody & inviting Contains the notes of orange blossom honey from Guerlain's own beehives in Calabria (Italy), neroli essence & vetiver Aqua Allegoria Harvest is an exceptional, limited-edition collection made from exclusive harvests Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for warmer seasons & casual occasions
A floral fragrance for women & men Soft, fresh, sweet, smooth, delicate & delicious Contains the notes of Bulgarian & Turkish roses, organic rose water from Grasse, lychee & blackcurrant accords Aqua Allegoria Harvest is an exceptional, limited-edition collection made from exclusive harvests Contains 90% to 95% ingredients of natural origin Made with sustainable beet root alcohol Launched in 2023 Suitable for all seasons & casual occasions
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
A multi-effect eyeshadow with 4 stunning shades Features intense pigments & soft texture Formulated with winter rose oil Glides easily over the lid & can be blended to create multiple effects Offers four different finishes: satin, matte, metallic & pearl Contained in an elegant jewel compacts, slipped into a black velvet suede pouch Includes applicators for ease of application: foam tips for maximum coverage, a liner for a precise line and a brush to blend the textures
A high-potency brightening facial concentrate Harnesses exclusive Cell Respiration™ Technology to enhance the appearance of skin Features patented Orchid Noble Light™ Technology combining an extract of the precious orchid Dendrobium nobile with a brightening peptide Works holistically on sources of dullness & re-creates exceptional light on skin Visibly reduces the look of dark spots Infused with the signature Orchidée Impériale fragrance to boost the senses Unveils a smoother & clearer complexion with a youthful glow
A premium, powerful brightening eye serum Uses exclusive Cell Respiration™ Technology to enhance cellular longevity & transform skin into a perfect light vector Features exclusive Orchid Noble Light™ Technology combining an extract of the precious orchid Dendrobium nobile with a revolutionary brightening peptide Targets the main sources of skin dullness & re-creates exceptional light Visibly reduces the look of puffiness & dark circles Infused with the signature Orchidée Impériale fragrance to boost the mood The eye contour appears smoother, more radiant, youthful & revitalized
An illuminating, smoothing & moisturising lotion The orchids light technology contains the white orchid extract which help to act on the mail sources of skin darkening The cell respiration technology helps regulate cellular respiration, key mechanism for skin longevity, to fight hypoxia & improve skin regeneration Offers advanced efficacy in deeply moisturizing the epidermis, clarifying the complexion & improving skin's texture Day after day, the complexion is more radiant, the skin texture is more refined, even & toned Suitable for all skin types
A brightening & regenerating UV fluid Reveals a remarkably fine, lightweight & unprecedented second-skin sensoriality The flex polymer forms a fine mesh on the surface of the epidermis following every movement of the face for a long time Concentrates orchids' illuminating powers Helps fight external aggressors that dull the epidermis Reveals the imperial light of all & elevates skin’s youthful beauty Creates a subtle tone-up rosy glow finish & radiance from the very first application Offers SPF50+ PA+++ UV protection to shield skin from harmful sun rays
An intense volume & curl mascara Gives intense colour & 360 make-up result The formula based on winter rose oil that offers a smooth glide Contains tailor-made alliance of pigments for deeply intense shades The curved brush hugs the lashes shape to give them exceptional volume & a dizzying curl Lashes are instantly coated & sculpted Delivers a vibrant finish to make lashes flutter like butterfly wings
A rejuvenating radiance foundation Embodied the ideal alliance of make-up & skincare for an unmatched glow Features a smooth & sensory texture The formula is 85% rejuvenating skincare-based, for a beautified skin, application after application Contains a hint of pure 24-karat gold, associated to a duo of white peony extracts, which offers an exceptional & luminous complexion Skin is hydrated & incredibly supple for all day Housed in a transparent glass bottle, the gold letters & the gold radiance of the cap highlight the object's elegance Available in a rage of shades
A rejuvenating radiance foundation Embodied the ideal alliance of make-up & skincare for an unmatched glow Features a smooth & sensory texture The formula is 85% rejuvenating skincare-based, for a beautified skin, application after application Contains a hint of pure 24-karat gold, associated to a duo of white peony extracts, which offers an exceptional & luminous complexion Skin is hydrated & incredibly supple for all day Housed in a transparent glass bottle, the gold letters & the gold radiance of the cap highlight the object's elegance Available in a rage of shades
A fluid foundation kabuki brush Combines the smoothing power of a brush, the seamless-finish power of a sponge & the massaging power of a skincare tool Its high-quality synthetic, short bristles gently caress the face Its short handle allows the hand to be positioned close to the makeup application area, for greater control Makes the application technique easier due to its high density, facilitating a precise yet intuitive approach The result is precise, airy & refined An ideal companion for all fluid foundations
L'Or Radiance Concentrate with Pure Gold Makeup + BIO UP Rose Collagen Intensive Serum Foundation SPF50 30ml
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