
Lilybyred Starry Eyes am9 至 pm9 凝膠眼線筆 - # 04 Gold Pink (Starry Eyes am9 to pm9 Gel Eyeliner - # 04 Gold Pink)

多用途、可削尖的凝膠眼線筆 可以用來畫眼線和眼影 提供超級光滑和奶油般的滑動,豐富、可彎曲的顏色,不會拉扯嬌嫩的眼瞼 有助於實現精確的應用並在一次筆觸中提供強烈的色彩 塗抹 10 秒後立即...

0.5g NT$483
Lilybyred Bloody Liar 唇彩 - # 05 Secretive Grapefruit (Bloody Liar Coating Tint - # 05 Secretive Grapefruit)

一款滋潤、煥發光彩的唇彩,提供迷人的色彩 形成一層保濕膜塗層,為雙唇增添玻璃般的光澤 毫不費力地滑動而不會感到油膩 採用高清色彩捕捉系統開發,可在唇部接觸時自動將顏料轉化為鮮豔的色彩 含有...

4g NT$517
Lilybyred Mood Liar 天鵝絨染髮劑 - # 04 Mellow Persimmon (Mood Liar Velvet Tint - # 04 Mellow Persimmon)

啞光天鵝絨保濕唇彩 具有輕盈的奶油質地,可順滑滑動 像黃油一樣融化在嘴唇上並提供持久的舒適感 緊貼雙唇,無粘膩感 用超細顏料開發 提供生動大膽的色彩 含有保濕成分,滋養雙唇,撫平死皮和...

4.2g NT$483
Lilybyred Mood Liar 天鵝絨染髮劑 - # 05 Sentimental Plum (Mood Liar Velvet Tint - # 05 Sentimental Plum)

啞光天鵝絨保濕唇彩 具有輕盈的奶油質地,可順滑滑動 像黃油一樣融化在嘴唇上並提供持久的舒適感 緊貼雙唇,無粘膩感 用超細顏料開發 提供生動大膽的色彩 含有保濕成分,滋養雙唇,撫平死皮和...

4.2g NT$483
Lilybyred Magnet Fit 遮瑕液 SPF30 PA++ - #23 Natural Fit (Magnet Fit Liquid Concealar SPF30 - # 23 Natural Fit)

高度粘附且持久的遮瑕膏 質地輕薄順滑,給人清爽之感 無縫融入肌膚並像磁鐵一樣完美貼合 立即掩蓋和模糊瑕疵的外觀,同時增強您的自然美 使用遮瑕粉打造完美無瑕的天鵝絨般膚色 使用 SPF30...

8g NT$517
Lilybyred Luv Beam 腮紅 - # 01 Loveable Coral (Luv Beam Cheek - # 01 Loveable Coral)

腮紅配有可愛的心形盒 微妙的顏色在皮膚上順滑輕盈地滑動,不會結塊 注入玫瑰精油和冰川水,保持肌膚滋潤 反射細膩的珍珠光澤,令肌膚光滑透亮,不油膩 初學者友好,易於分層並創造出令人驚嘆的均勻...

4.3g NT$517
Lilybyred Luv Beam 腮紅 - # 03 Flush Orange (Luv Beam Cheek - # 03 Flush Orange)

腮紅配有可愛的心形盒 微妙的顏色在皮膚上順滑輕盈地滑動,不會結塊 注入玫瑰精油和冰川水,保持肌膚滋潤 反射細膩的珍珠光澤,令肌膚光滑透亮,不油膩 初學者友好,易於分層並創造出令人驚嘆的均勻...

4.3g NT$550
Lilybyred Luv Beam 腮紅 - # 04 Selfie Red (Luv Beam Cheek - # 04 Selfie Red)

腮紅配有可愛的心形盒 微妙的顏色在皮膚上順滑輕盈地滑動,不會結塊 注入玫瑰精油和冰川水,保持肌膚滋潤 反射細膩的珍珠光澤,令肌膚光滑透亮,不油膩 初學者友好,易於分層並創造出令人驚嘆的均勻...

4.3g NT$517
Lilybyred Luv Beam 腮紅 - # 05 French Marsala (Luv Beam Cheek - # 05 French Marsala)

腮紅配有可愛的心形盒 微妙的顏色在皮膚上順滑輕盈地滑動,不會結塊 注入玫瑰精油和冰川水,保持肌膚滋潤 反射細膩的珍珠光澤,令肌膚光滑透亮,不油膩 初學者友好,易於分層並創造出令人驚嘆的均勻...

4.3g NT$517
Lilybyred am9 至 pm9 無限睫毛膏 - # 02 Volume & Curl (am9 to pm9 Infinite Mascara - # 02 Volume & Curl)

一款能為睫毛帶來濃密捲翹效果的睫毛膏 注入竹葉提取物,提供瞬間濃密和清晰的睫毛 含有填充睫毛間隙的花瓣狀纖維 用三層薄膜聚合物和塗層粉末顆粒塗抹睫毛以延長睫毛 提供具有可構建結果的精確分離...

7g NT$584
Lilybyred Shading Bible-#01溫馨系列 (Shading Bible - # 01 Warm Series)

雙色調古銅粉 可疊加的配方可毫不費力地在皮膚上滑動,塑造臉部輪廓 可以單獨使用或混合使用以獲得多維效果 最大限度地減少皮膚的發紅和泛黃,並提供最佳的亮度和飽和度 提供清新美麗的色調,不會結...

12.5g NT$584
Lilybyred am9 to pm9 Survival Penliner Natural - # 02

A versatile & long-lasting eyeliner designed to keep up with your busy day Ensures a smooth appli...

1g NT$938
Lilybyred am9 to pm9 Survival Penliner Natural - # 03

A versatile & long-lasting eyeliner designed to keep up with your busy day Ensures a smooth appli...

1g NT$938
Lilybyred Smiley Aegyosal Eyeliner - # 01

A dual-ended eyeliner designed to create natural-looking aegyo sal eyes Comes with a light, adher...

0.32g NT$685
Lilybyred Romantic Liar Mousse Tint - # 03 Wild Berry Cream

A transformative lip tint that redefines the boundaries of beauty Delivers an intense color payof...

3.9g NT$618
Lilybyred Mood Keyboard - # 01 Ash Cinnamon

A revolutionary palette that brings out the artist in you Unleashes a spectrum of colors that app...

10.5g NT$988
Lilybyred Mood Keyboard - # 02 Ash Mauve

A revolutionary palette that brings out the artist in you Unleashes a spectrum of colors that app...

10.5g NT$988
Lilybyred Mood Keyboard - # 03 Ash Beige

A revolutionary palette that brings out the artist in you Unleashes a spectrum of colors that app...

10.5g NT$988
Lilybyred Mood Keyboard - # 05 Warm Pink

A revolutionary palette that brings out the artist in you Unleashes a spectrum of colors that app...

10.5g NT$988
Lilybyred Luv Beam Glow Veil - # 02 Holy Beam

A highlighter that creates a natural radiant & glowy skin makeup look Formulated with highly tran...

3.2g NT$904
Lilybyred Skinny Mes Brow Pencil - # 02 Medium Brown

A dual-ended & slim brow pencil Glides on smoothly & stays in place Features a brow pencil with ...

0.09g NT$466
Lilybyred Skinny Mes Brow Pencil - # 03 Dark Brown

A dual-ended & slim brow pencil Glides on smoothly & stays in place Features a brow pencil with ...

0.09g NT$601
Lilybyred Skinny Mes Brow Pencil - # 04 Gray Brown

A dual-ended & slim brow pencil Glides on smoothly & stays in place Features a brow pencil with ...

0.09g NT$601
Lilybyred Mood It Palette - # 01

A handy palette that includes 4 mattes & natural eye shades Lightweight & effortlessly glides on ...

5.8g NT$803
Lilybyred Mood It Palette - # 02

A handy palette that includes 4 mattes & natural eye shades Lightweight & effortlessly glides on ...

5.8g NT$803
Lilybyred Mood It Palette

A handy palette that includes 4 mattes & natural eye shades Lightweight & effortlessly glides on ...

5.8g NT$584
Lilybyred Cotton Blur Cushion - # 19 Pure Cotton

A cushion foundation that provides a flawless complexion Provides a refreshing makeup base that e...

15g/0.52oz NT$618