Make Up For Ever HD Skin Undetectable Stay True Foundation - # 1N14 30ml/1.01oz
- A long wear & stay-true foundation
- Syncs with the skin for an natural finish & 24-hour wear
- Corrects & blurs imperfections for a flawless complexion
- Offers buildable, medium to full coverage for a semi-matte yet natural finish
- Ideal for normal, combination or oily skins
- Waterproof, sweat-proof, mask-friendly & no color oxidation
以瞬間創造無瑕肌膚的變形粉底 採用絲滑配方研製,可完美融入護膚品,如保濕霜或妝前乳,不會起皺褶 多種不同的粉末組合,帶來自然啞光遮瑕效果,不會脫妝或結塊 一抹即可遮蓋瑕疵,減少紅腫,收細毛孔,平滑膚質,中至高遮瑕效果可自行調節 適用於正常,混合或油性皮膚 無動物來源成分的純淨配方 具有耐水,防汗和防油花的特性
一款革命性的散粉,揭示出完美膚色的祕密 該散粉包括一款符合膚色的色調,輕薄遮瑕效果,一款色調校正色適用於中和底色,以及一款提亮膚色的色調 創新的包裝設計確保乾淨、無雜亂的傳送係統,均勻分佈三種散粉 模糊並塑造膚色,同時散射光線,呈現出光芒四射、柔焦的效果 提供長時間的亮澤模糊效果,使膚色看起來自然輕盈 適合乾性到混合性膚質
一款革命性的散粉,揭示出完美膚色的祕密 該散粉包括一款符合膚色的色調,輕薄遮瑕效果,一款色調校正色適用於中和底色,以及一款提亮膚色的色調 創新的包裝設計確保乾淨、無雜亂的傳送係統,均勻分佈三種散粉 模糊並塑造膚色,同時散射光線,呈現出光芒四射、柔焦的效果 提供長時間的亮澤模糊效果,使膚色看起來自然輕盈 適合乾性到混合性膚質
一款具有長效持妝力的粉底 與皮膚同步,展現自然完美的妝容,持妝達24小時 修正並模糊瑕疵,呈現無暇膚色 提供可以自由調節的中等至高度遮瑕度,帶有半啞光但自然的妝效 適合正常、混合或油性皮膚 防水、防汗、適合配戴口罩,且不掉色
一款具有長效持妝力的粉底 與皮膚同步,展現自然完美的妝容,持妝達24小時 修正並模糊瑕疵,呈現無暇膚色 提供可以自由調節的中等至高度遮瑕度,帶有半啞光但自然的妝效 適合正常、混合或油性皮膚 防水、防汗、適合配戴口罩,且不掉色
一款具有長效持妝力的粉底 與皮膚同步,展現自然完美的妝容,持妝達24小時 修正並模糊瑕疵,呈現無暇膚色 提供可以自由調節的中等至高度遮瑕度,帶有半啞光但自然的妝效 適合正常、混合或油性皮膚 防水、防汗、適合配戴口罩,且不掉色
一款具有長效持妝力的粉底 與皮膚同步,展現自然完美的妝容,持妝達24小時 修正並模糊瑕疵,呈現無暇膚色 提供可以自由調節的中等至高度遮瑕度,帶有半啞光但自然的妝效 適合正常、混合或油性皮膚 防水、防汗、適合配戴口罩,且不掉色
一款能立即塑造完美肌膚的轉化粉底,採用絲滑配方研發而成,可完美地塗抹在護膚品(如保濕霜或妝前乳)之上,不容易出現褶皺,適用於中性、混合性或油性皮膚類型,結合了三種不同的粉末,提供自然無瑕的啞面遮瑕效果,不會結塊或裂痕,僅需一次塗抹即可覆蓋瑕疵,減少紅腫,細化毛孔,平滑肌膚質感,並可根據需求調整中度至滿覆蓋效果,保持防水、防汗和防脫妝。 HTML format: 一款能立即塑造完美肌膚的轉化粉底,採用絲滑配方研發而成,可完美地塗抹在護膚品(如保濕霜或妝前乳)之上,不容易出現褶皺,適用於中性、混合性或油性皮膚類型,結合了三種不同的粉末,提供自然無瑕的啞面遮瑕效果,不會結塊或裂痕,僅需一次塗抹即可覆蓋瑕疵,減少紅腫,細化毛孔,平滑肌膚質感,並可根據需求調整中度至滿覆蓋效果,保持防水、防汗和防脫妝。
一款能立即創造完美膚色的變幻粉底 採用絲滑質地的配方研發,可以完美地遮蓋保養品如保濕霜或妝前乳,不會產生褶皺 依靠三種不同的粉末組合,呈現自然霧面妝感,不會卡粉或產生褶皺 只需輕輕一刷,遮蓋瑕疵,減少紅腫,收細毛孔並平滑肌膚質地,妝效自由調節,達到中等到完全遮瑕 適合正常、混合或油性肌膚使用 不含動物源性成分的清潔配方 防水、防汗和持久不脫妝
一種革命性的粉底,能立即打造完美無瑕的肌膚 採用絲滑配方開發,能無瑕地塗抹在護膚產品上,如保濕霜或底霜,不會結皺 結合了三種不同的粉末成分,提供自然的啞緻遮瑕效果,不會結塊或結皺 只需輕輕一掃,即可遮蓋瑕疵,減少紅腫,細緻毛孔,平滑肌膚質地,實現中至全遮蓋效果 適合正常、混合或油性肌膚 不含動物成分,乾淨的配方 耐水、防汗、防脫妝
An ultimate creamy & smooth concealer Provides high coverage that hides most extreme imperfections Includes scars, severe skin damage, beauty spots, depigmentation Even covers birthmarks & tattoos Waterproof & long wearing Holds well even under extreme conditions Renders you a perfection complexion with even skin tone The quality of this item in a slightly damaged box is as fresh & genuine as the original packing
一款微細、不含酒精的水霧,能夠保濕並固定妝容 採用93%天然成分,包括玻尿痠和蘆薈,增強保濕度和光彩度 每次噴灑能即時提供充沛保濕和舒適感 打造光滑、光澤的妝效,而不帶有粉狀效果 增加妝容持久性,長達多個小時,確保整日保持清新外觀 適合一般至乾性皮膚 法國製造
瞬間打造完美膚質的變形粉底 採用絲滑質感配方,完美地塗抹在護膚品(如保濕霜或妝前乳)上,避免褶皺 多種不同粉末的結合,帶來天然啞光的遮瑕效果,不會造成堆積或褶皺 只需一次滑動,即可遮蓋瑕疵、減少紅腫、細緻毛孔並平滑膚質,可根據需要增加層次,達到中度至完全遮瑕效果 適用於正常、混合或油性皮膚 不含動物成分,綠色配方 具有防水、防汗和防脫妝的特性
控制多餘光澤,為柔和霧面妝效而設的精細定妝粉 提供持久的光滑肌膚妝效,彷彿經過噴霧修飾一樣 適用於乾性肌膚類型,並提供不結塊的配方 採用高嶺土吸油、模糊毛孔、細紋和肌膚紋理 含有云母和二氧化矽,輕盈無痕融合 消除照片反光,展現自然、難以察覺的妝容 適用於所有膚質 防水、不易脫色、防濕度和防暈染 以環保包裝製成
控制油光,帶來柔焦霧面妝感的優質定妝粉 提供持久一整天的滑順修飾效果 特適用於較干燥膚質,不會結塊 運用高嶺土吸油、模糊毛孔、細紋和肌膚紋理 添加細亮粉體和二氧化矽,輕盈融合 避免因閃光照片而曝光,呈現自然、看不出來的效果 適用於所有膚質 防水、不易脫落、抗潮濕、不脫妝 採用環保包裝方式
Mist & Fix 化妝定妝噴霧旅行套裝: 2x Mist & Fix 100ml 1x Mist & Fix 30ml 適合個人使用或作為禮物。
一款持久、控油的定妝噴霧,能讓妝容整天保持不變 採用不含酒精、微細霧狀的設定噴霧,能使肌膚呈現啞緻效果並模糊瑕疵 蘊含高嶺土、維生素B3及控油啞光萃取物,能有效控制油脂與光澤,持續整日 輕盈、不黏膩的配方能保濕並為肌膚帶來清新感 打造自然啞光妝效,延長妝容的持久度 全新的泵噴頭設計,能輕鬆均勻地噴上如輕絲般的霧狀噴霧,不會擾亂妝容 適用於中性至油性肌膚 在意大利生產,搭配生態友善包裝。
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skin-fusing powder blush with buildable pigments for versatile looks Create a soft flush or bold look with its buttery soft texture that melts into skin Infused with pure pigments to ensure intense color payoff & long-lasting wear Available in matte & shimmery finishes to suit different preferences Provides seamless blendability for a natural-looking finish Includes eco-conceived packaging with 80% recycled PET for sustainability Made in Italy Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A long wear & stay-true foundation Syncs with the skin for an natural finish & 24-hour wear Corrects & blurs imperfections for a flawless complexion Offers buildable, medium to full coverage for a semi-matte yet natural finish Ideal for normal, combination or oily skins Waterproof, sweat-proof, mask-friendly & no color oxidation
A long wear & stay-true foundation Syncs with the skin for an natural finish & 24-hour wear Corrects & blurs imperfections for a flawless complexion Offers buildable, medium to full coverage for a semi-matte yet natural finish Ideal for normal, combination or oily skins Waterproof, sweat-proof, mask-friendly & no color oxidation
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A skincare-based foundation that combines makeup & skincare benefits Formulated with 86% skincare ingredients to hydrate, smooth, plump & brighten the skin Developed with hyaluronic acid to provide all-day hydration & glow Offers a naturally luminous finish with buildable, medium coverage Ensures your skin looks radiant & feels comfortable throughout the day Ideal for normal, dry, mature & sensitive skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades for matching
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A fine setting powder that controls excess shine for a soft matte finish Deliver a smooth, airbrushed effect that lasts up to all-day Provide a non-cakey formula that works even on drier skin types Utilize Kaolin Clay to absorb oil & blur pores, fine lines & texture Incorporate Mica & Silica for a lightweight, seamless blend Eliminate photo flashback for a natural, undetectable look Suitable for all skin types Waterproof, transfer-proof, humidity-proof & smudge-proof Made with eco-conscious packaging
A lightweight primer that provides essential sun protection Formulated with SPF 50+/PA+++ to shield your skin from UVA & UVB rays Enriched with cactus flower extract to protect & hydrate the skin Contains rose extract to even out skin tone & conceal blemishes Delivers a radiant finish that lasts for all day Ensures your skin stays hydrated for up to 8 hours Suitable for normal, dry, combination & all skin types Made in France
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條形碼 / UPC/UPC | 3548752185226 |
商品類別 | Make Up |
品牌 | Make Up For Ever |
商品子類/產品線 | |
尺寸/容量 | 30ml/1.01oz |
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