
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 1C Petal

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 1N Ivory

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 1W1 Ecru

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 2C Soft Beige

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 2N1 Sand

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 2W2 Desert

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 3C Natural

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 3N Apricot

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 3W2 Hazel

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 4C Honey

A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...

30ml/1oz NT$2,523
Sisley 【1+1 Set】Phyto Lip Twist - # 16 Balm

【1+1 Set】Phyto Lip Twist - # 16 Balm: A 2-in-1 tinted lip balm Combines the color of lipstick wi...

2.5g/0.08oz NT$1,594
Sisley Phyto Sourcils 完美眉筆(帶刷子和卷筆刀) - No. 01 Blond (Phyto Sourcils Perfect Eyebrow Pencil (With Brush & Sharpener) - No. 01 Blond)

筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果

0.55g/0.019oz NT$1,762
Sisley Phyto Sourcils 完美眉筆(帶刷子和卷筆刀)- No. 03 Brun (Phyto Sourcils Perfect Eyebrow Pencil (With Brush & Sharpener) - No. 03 Brun)

筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果

0.55g/0.019oz NT$1,762
Sisley Phyto Sourcils 完美眉筆(帶刷子和卷筆刀) - No. 02 Chatain (Phyto Sourcils Perfect Eyebrow Pencil (With Brush & Sharpener) - No. 02 Chatain)

筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果

0.55g/0.019oz NT$1,762
Sisley 即時完美(減少光澤和細紋) (Instant Perfect (Minimizes Shine & Fine Lines))

改善光擴散的超軟凝膠乳液 瞬間填補細紋、皺紋和皮膚瑕疵 消除光澤並減少暗區 讓您擁有統一、容光煥發的膚色和休息的眼部區域 含有大豆提取物,可刺激膠原蛋白產生長期平滑效果

20ml/0.7oz NT$1,985
Sisley Phyto Touche 防曬凝膠 - 墊 (Phyto Touche Sun Glow Gel - Mat)

輕盈、清新、光滑的凝膠,照亮肌膚 包含增強棕褐色的反光顏料 不油膩,穿著舒適 令肌膚水嫩,呈現自然膚色和健康光澤 適合所有膚色和所有皮膚類型

30ml/1oz NT$2,220