Sisley Phyto Teint Perfection Luminous Mat-Ultra Long Lasting Skincare Foundation - # 2W2 Desert 30ml/1oz
- A high-coverage, mattifying foundation
- Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion
- Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract
- Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion
- Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin
- Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application
- Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture
- Suitable for all skin types
- Made in France
- Available in a wide range of shades
強大而豐盈的面部乳霜。 具有絲般的感官質感,可轉變成微滴的水 含有Alkekengi花萼提取物,可豐盈表皮和真皮。 與Padina Pavonica提取物混合,可再次豐盈。 蘊含黑玫瑰萃取物和高山玫瑰萃取物,可增強肌膚光澤。 注入五月玫瑰水,乳木果油和山茶油。 瞬間帶來清新感和持久舒適感。 皮膚顯得更柔軟,更光滑,更有彈性,更滋潤和年輕。 適合所有皮膚類型,包括敏感皮膚
舒緩滋養的睡眠面膜 在一夜之間幫助補充和舒緩乾燥的皮膚,同時支持皮膚的夜間自然活動。 蘊含植物性關鍵成分,深層滋養和滋潤肌膚。 蘊含藏紅花提取物,舒緩皮膚乾燥。 注入天然蜂蜜和橙花的香氣。 令肌膚更柔軟,更光滑,更光彩,煥發活力。 也可以用作SOS面膜,僅需10分鐘即可提供舒緩和舒適感
結合有效的卸妝液和護膚功效 在皮膚上按摩時,細膩柔滑的起泡配方可轉變為乳霜。 按摩可增強獨特的超感質感 一次即可幫助去除妝容,雜質,污染,皮脂和死皮細胞。 含有牡丹提取物,可防止沖洗後出現緊繃感 混合柚子提取物,明顯撫平肌膚紋理。 注入銀杏葉提取物,恢復肌膚光彩。 令肌膚完美潔淨,柔軟,清新和舒適。 適合所有皮膚類型,包括敏感
強烈滋潤和滋養的手和指甲霜 輕盈而富有質感的粉末狀底妝不帶粘性或油膩感 包含生物糖溶液和植物糖,可連續捕獲和保留水分 融合栗子提取物,支持皮膚的屏障功能,以密封水分 保持手部柔軟,營養和舒適,指甲更美麗,角質層更少
芳香,防水的防曬霜 不油膩的柔軟乳液質地可溶解到皮膚中,不會留下任何白色痕跡。 將先進的UVA和UVB過濾器與超先進的保護性活性成分結合在一起 幫助保持皮膚抵抗陽光和光老化的能力。 含有雪絨花提取物和山茶油,可增強皮膚的屏障功能。 注入乳木果油,山茶花油和芒果提取物,可恢復水份和水分。 薰衣草和天竺葵精油具有天然香氣。 保持皮膚柔軟,舒適和水潤。
為眼部提供提神醒腦的濃縮液 玫瑰色乳液質地在皮膚表面轉化為清新融化的凝膠 含有紅藤提取物,具有提亮和抗黑眼圈作用 與咖啡因混合以減少浮腫的外觀 注入Padina Pavonica提取物,具有保濕和光滑的功效 富含維生素 E 醋酸酯以提供保護 五月玫瑰水的天然香味 冷陶瓷塗抹器可立即產生清新感並促進按摩 展現更休息、更有活力、更年輕的眼部區域
一款適用於面部和眼部的高性能卸妝潔面膏 獨特的質地轉變為油,然後在使用時變成乳白色的乳液 配方含有三種滋養和軟化油:巴巴蘇油、乳木果油和澳洲堅果油 提供有效和最佳的面部和眼部卸妝和清潔 為真正的幸福時刻提供獨特的感官體驗 令肌膚容光煥發,舒適無油膩殘留 適合所有膚質 在眼科和皮膚科控制下測試耐受性
一款清新的眼部和唇部卸妝凝膠 結合有效卸妝和護膚功效 柔軟融化的凝膠質地,帶來愉悅的清新感 溫和而有效地去除最頑固的化妝品,包括防水 增強睫毛,使外觀更柔軟、更有光澤 展現完美潔淨、明顯休息和更容光煥發的眼部區域 在眼科下測試的耐受性
一種超感官、滋養和舒緩的身體保濕霜 天鵝絨般、豐富和細膩的質地,帶來無光澤的妝容 日夜工作,提供雙重目標行動 白天,蕎麥種子提取物有助於提供保護 晚上,乳木果油為肌膚補充營養 含有Padina Pavonica和日本百合提取物以促進保濕 混合了藏紅花提取物,這是一種新的希思黎主要成分,可舒緩乾燥的皮膚 注入天然香味,帶來幸福感 保持身體皮膚更柔軟、更清新、更舒適、容光煥發、煥發活力
超有效,雙重作用,日夜身體護理 凝膠油乳液質地提供最佳新鮮感 白天,粉紅漿果油、咖啡因、雪松醇和白姜提取物的獨特混合物有助於大腿看起來更清晰、更緊實 晚上,柑橘提取物、Andiroba 油和浮游生物胞外多醣的功效有助於減少脂肪團的出現 減少“橘皮皮膚”,使皮膚更光滑 注入薰衣草、鼠尾草、馬鬱蘭、迷迭香精油和雪松醇的天然香味 提供天鵝絨般的效果和即時的調色效果
一種免沖洗護髮霜 富含珍貴的植物油和復合物 230,通過加熱激活 保護頭髮纖維免受高達 450°F/230°C 的熱定型工具的傷害 更容易拉直和更完美地吹乾 使頭髮更強壯、滋養、無毛躁且受到控制 可用作造型或撫平護髮霜,或免洗護髮素
一種重新平衡、舒緩頭皮的去屑治療 治療導致頭皮屑出現的潛在因素 配方含有強效平衡複合物和維生素原 B5 淨化和保持清新純淨的頭皮 舒緩頭皮刺激並保護其免受不適 加強頭髮纖維並增加身體和體積 使頭髮更柔軟、更有光澤
融合了口紅的顏色、光澤的光澤和潤唇膏的舒適感的新一代唇部護理 豐富、融合和令人上癮的質地提供絕對的舒適感和超閃亮的效果 純粹的配方為雙唇帶來強烈的光澤和自然光澤 Hydrobooster 複合物,由透明質酸和魔芋葡甘聚醣微球組成,有助於立即豐盈和光滑雙唇 顏色的洗滌通過額外的塗層加強,可根據需要進行調整 通過反复塗抹,雙唇感覺越來越滋潤、柔軟並免受外部侵害 裝在一個飾有白色和金色斑馬條紋的珠寶盒中 有兩種飾面可供選擇:閃亮和彩虹色,以及多種色調可供搭配
標誌性的修復型超滋潤唇部護理 含有混合油——李子仁、乳木果、甜白羽扇豆和小麥胚芽油濃縮物 幫助瞬間舒緩和持久光滑的雙唇 注入植物黃油 – Kokum 和芒果,具有強效滋養和保濕功效 重現雙唇之美,更持久地保持笑容的表現力 令雙唇柔軟、豐盈、更舒適、更能抵禦日常侵害 提供不粘膩的妝容,非常適合妝前準備
一款精緻、優雅、永恆的香水 帶有花香 裝在帶有 18 克拉金塞的玻璃瓶中
淨化洗髮水溫和清潔和清新頭皮 完美去除表面雜質、定型產品殘留物和皮脂 含有天然來源的紅沒藥醇,可舒緩頭髮 富含爪哇茶提取物、迷迭香精油、奇特的馬鞭草精油、礦物質(鋅、鎂、銅),可淨化和促進頭皮氧化 含有維生素 E 醋酸鹽作為抗氧化劑 添加棉花蛋白以增強頭髮的蛋白質屏障 由維生素原 B5 提供動力,可增強頭髮纖維,為頭髮帶來光澤和柔軟 讓頭皮感覺潔淨 展現更輕盈、蓬鬆、有光澤的秀發並散發活力 留下清新淡雅的香氣 體外測試
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
An alcohol-based spray deodorant Dries quickly allowing you to dress immediately Provides immediate freshness & effective protection throughout the day Scented with the subtle & refined notes of Eau du Soir Top notes are bergamot, lemon, basil, galbanum & wild herbs Middle notes are tomato leaves, jasmine, geranium, lily of the valley & plum Base notes are oak mouss accord, patchouli, vetiver & musk
An alcohol-based spray deodorant Pleasurably perfumed with the envigorating notes of Eau de Campagne Dries quickly allowing to dress immediately Provides instant & long-lasting freshness Masks perspiration odours & efficiently protects throughout the day
A floral fragrance for women Evokes an iris between water & ice It has the silky clear depths of fresh waters, like a crystalline song that grasps & awakens you Fresh, clean, light, dreamy & joyful Top notes are bergamot, cardamom, basil Middle notes are iris accord, jasmine accord, rose accord Base notes are vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Evokes an iris between water & ice It has the silky clear depths of fresh waters, like a crystalline song that grasps & awakens you Fresh, clean, light, dreamy & joyful Top notes are bergamot, cardamom, basil Middle notes are iris accord, jasmine accord, rose accord Base notes are vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A fruity-leathery fragrance for women Sensual, vivacious, joyful, fantastical & inviting Top notes are bergamot, mandarin & ginger Middle notes are osmanthus, blackcurrant & nutmeg Base notes are vanilla, benjoin & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A fruity-leathery fragrance for women Sensual, vivacious, joyful, fantastical & inviting Top notes are bergamot, mandarin & ginger Middle notes are osmanthus, blackcurrant & nutmeg Base notes are vanilla, benjoin & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral & woody fragrance for women Leads you to revisit a tropical forest & imagine a utopian jungle after the rain Exotic, warm, vibrant, juicy & intriguing Top notes are bergamot, lemon & exotic flowers accord Middle notes are tuberose, violet & jasmine Base notes are amber, cedarwood & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral & woody fragrance for women Leads you to revisit a tropical forest & imagine a utopian jungle after the rain Exotic, warm, vibrant, juicy & intriguing Top notes are bergamot, lemon & exotic flowers accord Middle notes are tuberose, violet & jasmine Base notes are amber, cedarwood & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A green citrus fragrance for women Can works as an "Enhancer"" with other scents- intermingling & drawing out new dimensions in another fragrance Fresh, clear, refined, icy, earthy & uplifting Top notes are shiso leaves, bucchu leaves & mint Middle notes are geranium, papyrus & cedarwood Base notes are Ambroxan, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A green citrus fragrance for women Can works as an "Enhancer"" with other scents- intermingling & drawing out new dimensions in another fragrance Fresh, clear, refined, icy, earthy & uplifting Top notes are shiso leaves, bucchu leaves & mint Middle notes are geranium, papyrus & cedarwood Base notes are Ambroxan, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
An aromatic woody fragrance for women Takes inspiration from the radiant sun, freshness & proud landscapes of Corsica Warm, powerful, seductive, airy & earthy Top notes are lemon, bitter orange & geranium Middle notes are Lentisk, iris & reed Base notes are vetiver, sandalwood & cistus Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
An aromatic woody fragrance for women Takes inspiration from the radiant sun, freshness & proud landscapes of Corsica Warm, powerful, seductive, airy & earthy Top notes are lemon, bitter orange & geranium Middle notes are Lentisk, iris & reed Base notes are vetiver, sandalwood & cistus Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Full of sunshine & has the depth & lightness of a seductive dream Fresh, intense, vivacious, spicy & sparkling Top notes of bergamot, black pepper & pink berries Middle notes of jasmine, rose & green tea Base notes of musk, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A floral fragrance for women Full of sunshine & has the depth & lightness of a seductive dream Fresh, intense, vivacious, spicy & sparkling Top notes of bergamot, black pepper & pink berries Middle notes of jasmine, rose & green tea Base notes of musk, oakmoss & patchouli Case & bottle are recyclable Launched in 2023 Suitable for all occasions
A luxurious, perfumed candle made of paraffin wax with a cotton wick Pleasantly illuminates a room with delicate notes & a powdery fragrance Recreates a night Tuberose, enhanced with precious balm & vanilla Burn time is approximately 45 hours Housed in a matte white lacquered glass case ideal as a home decor Caution: Burn on a heat resistant surface. Do not drop foreign matter or wick-trimmings into candle. Burn in an open area away from drafts. Keep candle burning within sight. Keep out of reach of children & pets
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
An ultra-precise universal dark spot corrector Features a fine, slightly iridescent, non-greasy emulsion texture Combines a patented complex with natural-origin key ingredients Reduces the size & intensity of all dark spots while fighting against the progression of recent dark spots Contains Meadow Bistort extract to fight against the appearance of older dark spots The innovative applicator brush perfectly targets all dark spots on the face, neck, décolleté & hands Reveals a more even & radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types, genders, ages & skin tones
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A revitalizing nourishing shampoo that gently cleans & nourishes while maintaining scalp comfort Enriched with botanical oils to help restore the hair fibre Infused with Moringa oil to replenish vitamins & minerals Controls frizz & visibly straightens hair Hair feels enveloped in softness as soon as it is rinsed Hair regains a beautiful, supple, & silky quality Suitable for all dry to very dry hair & dry scalps
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
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