輕盈、保護皮膚、完美妝容的液體面部底漆 含有蠶絲提取物和 Hadasei-3 複合物 幫助補水、淡化肌膚、均勻膚色並在每個年齡段營造容光煥發的光澤 減少老化跡象、毛孔、細紋和瑕疵 抗污染天...
30g/1oz NT$1,934
加入購物車天鵝絨般柔滑、完美妝容的底霜 滋養蠶絲提取物滋潤肌膚,瞬間淡化毛孔、細紋和瑕疵 注入絲粉使妝容更均勻、更持久,同時最大限度地減少多餘的油光 富含粉色和金色珍珠,可提亮和均勻膚色 富...
20g/0.7oz NT$1,934
加入購物車A lip tint that provides perfect blend of color & care Inspired by the beauty rituals of Japanese...
4g NT$1,459
加入購物車A lip tint that provides perfect blend of color & care Inspired by the beauty rituals of Japanese...
4g NT$1,459
加入購物車A lip tint that provides perfect blend of color & care Inspired by the beauty rituals of Japanese...
4g NT$1,459