Mixim Potion
一款滋養、豐盈和煥發光彩的洗髮水 櫻花限定版散發著令人愉悅的櫻花香氣 由專業調香師精心打造,以有機花香為主題 含有金盞花、洋甘菊和乳木果油,溫和清潔頭髮並鎮靜頭皮 富含蘋果、葡萄柚和牡丹提...
一款滋養、豐盈和煥發光彩的洗髮水 由專業調香師精心打造,以有機花香為主題 含有金盞花、洋甘菊、乳木果油,溫和清潔頭髮,鎮靜頭皮 富含蘋果、葡萄柚和牡丹提取物,帶來清爽感 保持頭髮水潤、光滑...
滋養修護洗髮水 深層滋養受損發芯,恢復彈性 富含保濕成分,包括荷荷巴油、猴麵包樹油、摩洛哥堅果油、角蛋白、透明質酸和各種有機植物精油 蘊含保濕成分,保護髮絲,令秀發柔軟順滑 在頭髮上形成一...
A nourishing shampoo designed to restore shine & fullness to hair Formulated with over 90% beauty...
A nourishing treatment designed to restore shine & strength to hair Formulated with over 90% beau...
A nourishing, volumizing & glow-boosting shampoo The limited Sakura version is scented with a ver...
A nourishing, volumizing & glow-boosting hair treatment The limited Sakura version is scented wit...
A nourishing hair oil designed to repair & protect damaged hair Formulated with over 90% beauty e...
A nourishing shampoo designed for nighttime hair care Developed with a rich, creamy texture that ...
A restorative treatment designed for nighttime hair care Developed with a rich, creamy texture th...
A nourishing hair oil designed for nighttime use Developed with a lightweight texture that absorb...
A nourishing hair oil designed for nighttime use Developed with a lightweight texture that absorb...
A luxurious shampoo designed for nighttime hair care Developed with a rich, creamy texture that c...
A restorative treatment designed for nighttime hair care Developed with a rich, creamy texture th...
A versatile oil designed for both hair & body care Developed with a lightweight texture that abso...