Dr. Barbara Sturm 澄清血清 (Clarifying Serum) 30ml/1.01oz
- 一款強效淨化面部精華液,適用於易長粉刺的皮膚
- 含有舒緩成分和抗氧化劑,滋養和保護皮膚
- 混合 Albatrellus Ovinus 提取物和馬齒莧,鎮靜肌膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象
- 注入透明質酸,補水並減少細紋和皺紋的出現
- 展現更清晰、更均勻的膚色
超級柔軟、平衡的面部爽膚水 幫助去除化妝品、污染和其他雜質的痕跡 含有 Sugar Biovector 配方,可調節皮膚的微妙 pH 平衡,以支持保護性酸地幔 含有β-葡聚醣和泛醇,可舒緩受刺激和敏感的皮膚 注入透明質酸,提供強效保濕 通過去除油脂堆積來減少毛孔的出現 令肌膚感覺清潔、平衡並準備使用保濕霜 適合所有皮膚類型 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
二合一潔面泡沫和去角質 細粒粉末與水混合後會變成柔軟的泡沫 提供深層而溫和的清潔和去角質 含有多種酶,可去除毛孔中的干燥和死皮、化妝品、污染和其他雜質 使皮膚光滑和充滿活力 適合油性和混合性皮膚 零殘忍,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和轉基因生物
一款補水保濕的眼霜 專為針對嬌嫩眼部周圍的黑眼圈、眼袋和浮腫而開發 含有馬齒莧、金根、甜菜和酵母,提供“去膨化”效果 注入活性歐米茄脂質,幫助肌膚保持水分,讓肌膚看起來更年輕 使眼部區域舒緩和容光煥發 零殘忍,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和轉基因生物
一種有效的抗衰老面霜 快速吸收配方,讓肌膚煥發光彩 含有兩種抗衰老強效成分 Skullcap 和馬齒莧,可鎮靜肌膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象 全天保持肌膚緊緻和水分 零殘忍,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和轉基因生物
為疲倦、暗沉的肌膚提供煥活和提亮面部護理 含有何首烏,一種有效的抗衰老成分,可優化膚色 混合野玫瑰提取物,細化毛孔,打造均勻外觀 用馬齒莧增強,以提高維生素 A 和歐米茄 3 酸的水平,同時減少刺激 注入透明質酸以結合水分並補充內部分子水平 提供保濕和豐盈效果,同時支持皮膚的天然屏障功能 使用光學顏料提供即時微光和光澤 展現充滿活力和健康的膚色 零殘忍,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和轉基因生物
一款煥活肌膚、煥發活力的夜間精華素 含有棉薊提取物,一種滋養、抗衰老的化合物,可改善皮膚質量 與決明子提取物混合以支持皮膚免受紫外線傷害的自然修復過程 注入茯苓提取物和β-葡聚醣,再生皮膚的天然屏障功能 添加浮游生物提取物,減少皺紋和細紋的可見外觀 早上起來皮膚感覺更平靜、更柔軟、更光滑和滋潤 零殘忍,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和轉基因生物
一種有效的抗衰老面霜 具有輕盈、緞面、不油膩和快速吸收的配方 含有生薑、紅沒藥醇和泛醇的活性成分混合物,可滋潤和鎮靜受刺激的皮膚區域 與植物脂質混合以促進再生 恢復肌膚活力和年輕光彩 提供強大劑量的不油膩保濕 注入舒緩和抗氧化化合物 適合溫暖的氣候或正常至油性皮膚類型的人 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
更豐富的面霜 將馬齒莧(一種關鍵活性成分)與強效抗氧化劑相結合,可迅速溶解到皮膚中 有助於舒緩和鎮靜,同時加強敏感的皮膚膜對抗自由基 促進皮膚健康和功能 皮膚看起來更緊緻,明顯煥然一新 適合在冬季需要額外補水的成熟肌膚或膚色 也可用作要求苛刻或乾燥皮膚的日霜 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
深層補水舒緩面膜 含有馬齒莧,一種抗衰老的強效物質,可鎮定皮膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象 混合具有舒緩作用的蘆薈和洋甘菊,為肌膚注入水分 加入高嶺土(瓷土)軟化皮膚 非常適合在旅行時、暴露在陽光下或惡劣天氣後使用,或者當您的皮膚需要即時補水時使用 未經動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
溫和的皮膚精製面部磨砂膏 幫助去除任何干燥或片狀皮膚,以防止粉刺和刺激血液循環 含有維生素 A 和馬齒莧,可舒緩肌膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象 與七葉樹混合,強化肌膚基質 減少細紋的出現 使膚色光滑水潤 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
一種超細噴霧,提供令人振奮的移動新鮮感 採用低和高重量透明質酸分子優化配製,提供強效補水 含有馬齒莧,一種抗衰老的強效物質,可鎮定皮膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象 混合了檸檬、蘆薈和西蘭花的解毒提取物,可清爽和舒緩肌膚 為肌膚增添自然、健康的光澤 可在早上、全天和旅行時使用
突破性的提拉麵部精華液 提供強烈和即時的提拉效果,提升皮膚 採用生物聚合物配製而成,可在皮膚表面形成持久、輕盈的薄膜 促進緊實度和穩定性,同時顯著減少皺紋的出現 與微藻提取物混合,可撫平皺紋並支持膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白 注入馬齒莧,一種抗衰老的強效物質,可鎮定皮膚並減少明顯的刺激跡象 皮膚變得更柔軟、更光滑、更有彈性、更細膩、更均勻
強效、保濕、抗衰老的面部精華 富含活性抗氧化成分,可滋養肌膚,同時明顯減少刺激感 含有低分子量和高分子量透明質酸,可替代皮膚的水分儲存器 加入特殊的 Skullcap 和 Purslane 提取物,具有強大的抗衰老功效 減少細紋和皺紋的出現 皮膚感覺更平靜、更光滑、更水潤 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
強效抗污染面部護理 含有皮膚保護複合物,含有源自海洋微生物的提取物,可增強皮膚屏障 注入可可籽提取物以對抗數字老化跡象 保護膚色免受微粒污染和電子屏幕中經常被忽視的藍光危害 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
一款抗衰老保濕身體乳 含有白杏仁和接骨木花提取物,增強肌膚緊緻度 與營養豐富的油混合,以恢復皮膚的彈性 注入抗衰老強國馬齒莧,鎮靜並減少明顯的刺激跡象 富含高活性化合物,可減少明顯的老化跡象 讓身體皮膚感覺更柔軟、更光滑、更舒適和徹底滋潤 無動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、PEG 和 GMO
專為有瑕疵、易長粉刺的皮膚開發的抗衰老面部保濕霜 含有氣球藤、蝰蛇的牛舌草和葵花籽油,可增強皮膚的水分屏障並恢復自然平衡 與鋅混合以去除多餘的皮脂,這是形成瑕疵的關鍵因素 含有馬齒莧,提供舒緩和鎮靜的效果 注入 Bistorta 根提取物,帶來容光煥發 明顯減少細紋和皺紋的出現 顯示更均勻和澄清的膚色 無殘忍、無防腐劑、無轉基因、無 PEG 和無香料
適合痘痘肌的清透面膜 富含氣球藤、毒蛇牛舌草和葵花籽油,可改善皮膚的保濕屏障性能 注入鋅和高嶺土,可吸收多餘的皮脂並使膚色啞光 富含馬齒莧,提供舒緩和鎮靜效果 減少細紋和皺紋的出現 展現更清晰、更均勻的膚色
一種創新且親膚的面部精華素,含有三種形式的維生素 C 由活性成分複合物提供動力,包括油溶性維生素 C THD、植物性維生素 C 和穩定的糖苷形式合成維生素 C 對抗新形成的老年斑並減少色素沉著的出現 與鋅混合,有效激活維生素 C 並將其輸送到皮膚中 注入蘆薈和透明質酸,提供強效保濕和補水 提供強大的抗氧化特性,保護皮膚免受環境壓力 展現更容光煥發、膚色更均勻、更年輕、更健康的膚色
終極肌膚完美面部精華素 含有海洋浮游生物提取物,可增強皮膚屏障,支持皮膚的自然修復過程並促進水合作用 與泛醇(維生素原 B5)混合,這是一種具有舒緩特性的超保濕成分 注入純維生素 B3 和 Ectoin,一種氨基酸,可保護皮膚免受環境色素沉著過度和皮膚過早老化 減少毛孔的出現 皮膚質地變得更光滑、更柔軟和精緻 展現更均勻、容光煥發的膚色 非常適合粗糙、粗糙、不均勻的膚色,毛孔明顯擴大或凹陷,以及經典的混合性皮膚類型
適合成熟肌膚的高效抗衰老眼霜 高性能,先進的科學配方是專門開發的有效成分 有價值的仿生脂質支持皮膚屏障 波斯合歡樹提取物可減少浮腫和黑眼圈的出現,並有助於提拉上眼瞼 生物聚合物、阿拉伯樹膠和一種源自微藻的成分有助於撫平和緊緻嬌嫩的皮膚 紅參有助於顯著緊緻皮膚基質並撫平魚尾紋 透明質酸密集滋潤和豐盈肌膚外觀
一款獨特的頸部和肩部抗衰老霜 來自乳木果油、馬魯拉油和芒果籽油的神經酰胺和特殊脂質支持皮膚自身的脂質屏障 馬齒莧提取物含有保護皮膚的抗氧化劑 檸檬香脂和大麥提供額外的抗氧化損傷防禦 仙人掌果和透明質酸提供強效保濕和平滑肌膚效果 香菇提取物可緊緻肌膚 康普茶和雛菊提取物有助於平衡膚色並減少黑斑的出現 令肌膚膚色均勻,煥發年輕光彩
這款面部精華液使用天然亮白成分幫助改善膚色和質地 一種特殊的水芹芽提取物有助於提亮膚色 人參提取物支持皮膚抵禦自由基和環境壓力 透明質酸從根本上為皮膚補水並補充水分 尿囊素具有舒緩和鎮定作用 減少明顯的色素沉著跡象,使膚色更加均勻 未經動物實驗,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、PEG 和 GMO
A gentle foaming cleanser designed for darker skin tones Formulated with Salicylic Acid to soften dead skin & deeply cleanse, promoting a fresh & radiant appearance Utilizes Purslane, an anti-aging powerhouse, to reduce visible signs of irritation & inflammation Contains Hyaluronic Acid & Panthenol to hydrate & soothe the skin, maintaining its natural moisture balance Developed with mild tensides to ensure a thorough yet gentle cleansing experience without disturbing the skin’s pH balance Suitable for uneven skin tone, oily skin, hyperpigmentation & melasma Made in Germany
An enzymatic peeling & cleansing foam Provides a deep yet gentle cleanse & exfoliation to remove dry or rough skin, environmental impurities, cosmetics & excess oil on skin’s surface Infused with Vitamin C & Enzymes that loosen the conjunctions of skin Contains subtilisin, lipase & cellulose peeling particles Provides skin with a greater ability to absorb any active ingredients subsequently applied Skin is revitalized, hydrated & smooth after cleansing & reducing blackheads Leaves the skin with a fresh, radiant & refined appearance Suitable for oily skin & dark skin tones
A brightening 24-hour facial moisturizer Cress Sprouts Extract brightens skin & diminishes the appearance of dark & yellowish spots Hyaluronic Acid provides intense moisture Ginseng Extract supports skin's protection against free radicals & environmental stressors Vitamin E provides anti-oxidative protection for glowing, even-looking skin Gradually minimizes visible signs of pigmentation Cruelty-free, free of parabens, fragrance, PEG & GMO
發光套裝:面部磨砂膏、面膜、透明質酸精華素、面霜、發光滴劑、酶清潔劑、THE BETTER B 煙酰胺精華素 1x 面部磨砂膏 20ml/0.67oz 1x 面膜 20ml/0.67oz 1x 透明質酸 Scrum 10ml/0.33oz 1x 面霜 20ml/0.67oz 1x 發光滴劑 10ml/0.33oz 1x 酵素潔面乳 20g/0.7oz 1x The Better B 煙酰胺精華 10ml/0.33oz
A gentle cleaning shampoo that promotes the growth of strong hair Provides radiant shine, vitality, nourishment & volume Extracts of Camellia & Larch nourish the hair follicle, strengthen the hair & reduce hair fall Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles & UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Leaves hair velvety-soft, tangle-free & restore strength Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
A rich & creamy shampoo that repairs damaged, stressed & lifeless hair Developed with an ingredient science-rich formula that boosts shine & volume Antioxidant-rich plant extracts including Candle Bush, Sand Oat, Purslane & Thorny Knapweed help strengthen the scalp Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles & UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
A balancing shampoo that cleanses the hair deeply yet gently Dr. Sturm’s ingredient complex contains Japanese Camellia, Brown & Green Algae & Lavender to sooth the appearance of irritation, redness & reduces flakiness caused by a dry scalp Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles & UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Leaves hair velvety-soft, tangle-free, robust & glossy Suitable for redness & sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
A gentle scalp treatment that promotes the growth of strong hair Provides radiant shine, vitality, nourishment & volume Extracts of Camellia & Larch nourish the hair follicle, strengthen the hair & reduce hair fall Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles & UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Leaves hair velvety-soft, tangle-free & restore strength Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
An ingredient science-rich hair treatment that boost shine & volume Repairs damaged, stressed & lifeless hair Antioxidant-rich plant extracts including Candle Bush, Sand Oat, Purslane & Thorny Knapweed help strengthen the scalp Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles and UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
An ingredient science-rich hair treatment Restores the scalp’s natural balance Dr. Sturm’s ingredient complex contains Japanese Camellia, Brown & Green Algae & Lavender to sooth the appearance of irritation, redness & reduces flakiness caused by a dry scalp Pro-Vitamin B5 promotes the resiliency of the hair shaft & achieves an ‘anti-splitting effect,’ improving hair condition Sunflower Sprouts and Tara Extract, which protect the hair & scalp against heat, pollution particles and UV stress Cationic Hyaluronic Acid boosts hydration Purslane Extract has an anti-itching effect Leaves hair velvety-soft, tangle-free, robust & glossy Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
A hair mask for intensive, targeted repair & care for dry or damaged hair Organic Shea Butter provides high-quality care & moisturizing benefits Laminaria Digitata, Chlorella Vulgaris & Lavender Extracts work together to rebalance the scalp's microbiota Hemi-Squalane (Olive) reduces frizz, provides color & heat protection Cationic Hyaluronic Acid & organic Shea Butter provide long lasting softness, suppleness & shine A special complex of Algae & Lavender Extract calms Pro-Vitamin B5 smooths the hair’s outer layer without weighing it down Sunflower Sprouts & Tara Extract protect against heat, impurities, UV stress & color fade Hemi-Squalane prepares the hair for styling Dandruff is reduced while dryness, irritation & itching are soothed Leaves brittle hair visibly nourished, silky-glossy & manageable Suitable for sensitive skin Clean & vegan formulation
An intensive conditioner for normal, stressed & damaged hair Organic Shea Butter provides high-quality care & moisturizing benefits Distearoylethyl Dimonium Chloride functions as an emulsifier & conditioning agent Cationic Hyaluronic Acid & organic Shea Butter are absorbed deeply into the hair fibers to provide long lasting softness, suppleness & shine Pro-Vitamin B5 smooths the hair’s outer layer without weighing it down, reduces frizz & gives dull hair volume, fullness & vitality Sunflower Sprouts Extract & Tara Extract protect against heat, impurities, UV stress & color fade Leaves dry & brittle hair silky, strengthened & manageable Clean & vegan formulation
A soft foaming cleanser that gently washes baby's skin, hair & scalp Calendula & Almond Blossom Extract soothes irritations & rashes Jojoba Oil provides long-lasting hydration Free of fragrance Suitable for sensitive skin
A revitalizing scalp serum that provides intense hydration for the scalp Formulated with key ingredients Hyaluronic Acid & Purslane Transforms dry, itchy scalp into a soothed & comfortable scalp Made in Germany
A hydrating & fast absorbing darker skin tones serum Packed with a highly concentrated blend of low & high molecular weighted Hyaluronic Molecules, it provides instant hydration, supports natural skin barrier function & helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles Purslane reduces the visible signs of irritation Combined with a blend of Hyaluronic Acid & Lumicol, it adds radiance resulting in a smoother & more even skin tone Provides an instantaneous effect that leaves your skin with a smoother & more radiant complexion Suitable for uneven, dark skin tones & oily skin types
A gentle & anti-aging cleansing cream Offers a richer, more nourishing formulation Effectively removes all make-up, protecting the skin’s delicate pH2 Enhances hydration levels & nourishes the skin with anti-aging actives Provides anti-pollution protection, encouraging the removal of fine dust particles Supports the regeneration of the skin barrier Ideal for mature & dry skin Crafted in Germany
A high-performance serum that targets skin concerns from head to toe Boasts a lightweight, hyaluronic acid-based formulation Infused with ingredients like Lima Bean, Peptides & Bioflavonoids that protect against elastin degradation Enriched with Brown Algae Extract that stimulates natural collagen synthesis Incorporates duo Hyaluronic Acid & Brown Algae Extract for intensive moisture Contains powerful antioxidants Glutathione & Purslane to protect skin from external aggressors Boosted with Biosaccharides to provide additional suppleness & leave the skin fresh, radiant & give an immediate glow Ideal for sensitive & dry skin Crafted in Germany
A lightweight & non-greasy remover that effectively removes all traces of make-up Cleanses the skin with micelles that bind to oil, removing both water-soluble & fat-soluble impurities Includes Almond, Apricot & Sunflower Seed Oils to support the skin’s protective lipid layer Hydrates the skin with Hyaluronic Acid & Biosaccharides for a soft & supple complexion Strengthens the skin’s microbiome with prebiotics to enhance defense against environmental stressors Reduces fine lines & wrinkles with Purslane extract Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Made in Germany
A soothing & hydrating gel Formulated with 90% pure organic Aloe Vera juice Provide a refreshing texture that cools & calms the skin Include Purslane to reduce visible irritation & offer anti-aging benefits Contain Panthenol (Provitamin B5) to hydrate & soothe the skin Support skin regeneration & reduce the appearance of irritation Suitable for sensitive skin, razor burn & redness Suitable for daily use on the face & body Recommended for use after sunbathing, waxing or epilation to calm & cool the skin Made in Germany
A potent eye serum designed to target key eye concerns Addresses skin microcirculation to depuff, brighten & refresh the eyes, reducing dark circles & signs of fatigue Utilizes Red Algae Extract to provide an immediate anti-fatigue effect, reducing puffiness & eye bags Contains Calanthe Extract to firm & tighten delicate skin, supporting collagen & elastin production Incorporates Purslane Extract, an anti-aging powerhouse, to soothe irritation & freshen the eye area Delivers intensive hydration with Hyaluronic Acid & Gluconolactone, helping skin maintain moisture Suitable for all skin types, especially mature & dry skin Made in Germany
- 100%正品保證
- 國際轉運台灣免費送貨上門,5-14個工作日收到
- 330天無條件退貨換貨保障。如果您收到的商品有任何問題,請聯繫我們,我們一定給您一個滿意的解決方案。
條形碼 / UPC/UPC | 4015165337836 |
商品類別 | Skincare |
品牌 | Dr. Barbara Sturm |
商品子類/產品線 | |
尺寸/容量 | 30ml/1.01oz |
暫時沒有商品評價. 趕快成為第一個寫評價的吧!