保護皮膚免受紫外線而令皮膚老化及對抗黑色素,預防色斑形成。提供有效的防曬保護。含海洋元素,刺激皮膚細胞更新,更好地保護皮膚,對抗自由基的形成而令肌膚老化,使皮膚光滑並亮白膚色 Harnesses Sea Lily to reduce the number, size & pigmentation of dark spots Contains UVA & UVB filters to offer effective sun protection Unveils a smooth, clear, bright & youthful looking complexion
不粘膩的乳霜質地,含有UVA和UVB過濾劑,可有效防曬。混合植物珊瑚萃取物,具有強大的保濕能力。 Enhanced with exclusive OLIGOMER® to deliver an optimum dose of trace elements & minerals Strengthens the epidermis & prevents cellular fatigue Keeps skin incredibly soft & youthful looking