Shiseido Ultimune

Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology (銀座版) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology (Ginza Edition))

革命性的抗衰老面部濃縮液 含有獨家的Ultimune Complex,可增強皮膚的防禦功能 顯著減少皺紋和細紋的出現 皮膚看起來更緊緻、更柔軟、更光滑、更明亮、更有彈性和更年輕 使用方法:...

75ml/2.5oz NT$4,021
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology (農曆新年限量版) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology (Chinese New Year Limited Edition))

革命性的抗衰老面部濃縮液 含有獨家的 Ultimune Complex,可增強皮膚的防禦功能,顯著減少皺紋和細紋的出現 皮膚看起來更緊緻、更柔軟、更光滑、更明亮、更有彈性和更年輕 使用...

75ml/2.5oz NT$4,560
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology))

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

50ml/1.6oz NT$3,600
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology))

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

100ml/3.3oz NT$4,560
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology))

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

75ml/2.5oz NT$3,920
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術)- 假日限量版 (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology) - Holiday Limited Edition)

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

100ml/3.3oz NT$5,519
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology))

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

15ml/0.5oz NT$1,577
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate (ImuGenerationRED Technology))

具有全新增強配方和包裝的高效抗衰老面部濃縮液 豐富而水潤的質地迅速滲透肌膚 將強大的專利 The Lifeblood™ 與獨特的 ImuGenerationRED Technology™ 相結...

120ml/4oz NT$4,105
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing 護手霜 (Ultimune Power Infusing Hand Cream)

一款保濕、不粘膩、快速吸收的護手霜 配方含有多重防禦護盾,可滋養、滋潤和保護肌膚 注入令人放鬆的花香 自然活力,讓雙手更光滑美麗 放在易於攜帶的浴缸中

75ml/2.5oz NT$1,274
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology(微型) (Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate - ImuGeneration Technology (Miniature))

革命性的抗衰老面部濃縮液 配方中含有獨家的 Ultimune Complex,可增強皮膚的防禦功能 明顯減少皺紋和細紋的出現 皮膚看起來更緊緻、更柔軟、更光滑、更明亮、更有彈性和更年輕

10ml/0.33oz NT$736