濃縮夜間修護安瓿 由生物活性微肽混合物提供動力,以加強真皮-表皮連接 (DEJ) 改善膠原蛋白纖維和其他皮膚結構成分的質量 整夜促進皮膚的排毒和再生 恢復年輕健康的肌膚 非常適合受損或有...
富含抗氧化劑的亮白濃縮安瓿 含有 10% 穩定的維生素 C 衍生物,可提亮和均勻膚色 結合三種強大的抗氧化劑和內部閃光,最大限度地發揮皮膚的自然光彩 展現更清晰和充滿活力的膚色 適合暗沉或...
高效緊緻面部濃縮液 含有 DMAE 酒石酸氫鹽、水解彈性蛋白和大豆濃縮蛋白,具有緊緻作用 實現更均勻和更持久的妝容 顯露更多提升和重新定義的面部輪廓 非常適合鬆弛的皮膚或疲倦的皮膚
新一代緊膚濃縮安瓿 受矯正美容藥物的啟發,幫助恢復面部體積 含有蛋白聚醣,一種真皮表皮填充劑 含有水解膠原蛋白和補骨脂酚,具有緊緻作用 注入強大的細胞促進劑,從內到外模擬、填充和恢復肌膚活...
以最佳美容藥皮為靈感的免洗濃縮安瓿 含有乙醇酸和植酸,促進細胞更新 有助於軟化厚皮和有毛孔或痤瘡疤痕的皮膚 與Glucono Delta混合,具有保濕功效 皮膚看起來更容光煥發和重新礦化
受矯正美容藥物啟發的強效抗皺濃縮安瓿 包含三個強大的去收縮劑,可提供更快、更持久的抗皺效果 Gaba 有助於放鬆肌肉,同時填充和緊緻肌膚 肉毒桿菌肽和合成蛇毒樣肽有助於解壓縮表達線 皮膚變...
提亮膚色的日間保濕霜 含有一種獨特的胞外多醣,可保護皮膚免受使皮膚變黑的主要城市污染物 提亮色素沉著,均勻膚色 展現更清晰、更白、更透亮的膚色 適合所有膚質
一款保護和抗衰老的護手霜 含有三種活性成分,可均勻膚色並重新緊緻薄薄的肌膚 對抗由陽光、吸煙和城市污染造成的非美學損害 撫平成熟肌膚的皺紋 注入 SPF 15 以提供日常保護和預防 保持...
A refreshing mist designed to hydrate & rebalance skin’s pH Formulated with mineral sea water fro...
A revitalizing essence designed to balance & nourish skin Provides a silky texture & a sweet, int...
A transformative micellar oil designed to remove makeup & impurities Transforms into a light milk...
A concentrated thermal water spray with a refreshing texture Formulated with pure thermal spring ...
A mattifying foam gel designed to deeply cleanse & balance oily skin Transforms into a light mous...
A creamy emulsion designed to deeply cleanse & nourish the skin Produces a light mousse effect wh...
A transformative balm-to-oil cleanser designed to remove makeup & impurities Transforms into a li...
A redensifying cream with a rich, absorbing texture Offers a silky, fast-absorbing texture that l...
A sorbet-textured mask designed to deeply hydrate & remineralize the skin Transforms into a refre...
An advanced eye contour cream that rejuvenates & refreshes the eye area Formulated with plant-bas...
A redensifying serum with a luxurious texture for plumping & firming the skin Offers a silky, fas...
A night oil designed to rejuvenate & nourish mature skin Formulated with liposome-based goji berr...
- Aquatherm (7)
- Body Sculpt (3)
- Clear Balance (5)
- Corrective (3)
- Derma Peel Pro (4)
- Essential (11)
- Eternal (4)
- Global Lift (4)
- Power C+ (3)
- Power Hyaluronic (2)
- Power Oxygen (3)
- Power Retinol (3)
- Timeless (2)
- Uniqcure (7)
- Urban White (3)