韓國藥材配製的夜間面膜 蘊含當歸和石榴,提亮膚色 混合核桃和白桑子,通過提供必需的營養素來恢復皮膚的活力 在皮膚上形成必要的水分層 確保滋養草本在睡眠期間的最佳滲透 展現更加明亮和充滿活...
由韓國傳統草藥配製而成的卸妝油 含有薏苡仁(薏苡仁)種子 &陳皮提取物 幫助溫和而有效地卸妝和卸妝。來自皮膚的雜質 與杏仁油混合以減少死皮細胞 令肌膚清爽、清爽,看起來健康
撕拉式淨透面膜 包含精細研磨的所羅門印章、最好的蜂蜜和日本金銀花 提供滋養和保濕功效 為肌膚增添玉石般的柔和光澤 注入天然成分的鎮靜香氣 為肌膚提供真正放鬆的體驗 展現更光滑、更清晰、...
A boosting, activating & anti-aging facial mask for all skin types JAUM ActivatorTM immediately n...
An innovative creamy mask designed to renew & rejuvenate skin Infused with Ginsenomics, a anti-ag...
A rich, velvety facial cleansing foam Formulated with traditional Korean herbs to gently remove i...
A cleansing oil formulated with traditional Korean herbs Contains Coix Lacryma-Jobi (Job's Tears)...
A rejuvenating serum that delivers hydration & youthful-looking skin in every drop Developed with...
A rejuvenating emulsion that visibly firms skin Employs Sulwhasoo’s GINSENOMICS, a 6,000-fold-con...
A rich, velvety facial cleansing foam Formulated with traditional Korean herbs to gently remove i...