
Payot 專家Purete專家點黑頭-毛孔堵塞無堵塞護理 (Expert Purete Expert Points Noirs - Blocked Pores Unclogging Care)

有針對性的疏通毛孔臉部磨砂膏 含有收斂性玫瑰果提取物,可控制皮膚的角質化過程。 收縮毛孔,改善肌膚紋理。 摻入智利薄荷提取物,可控制皮脂過多 注入3%乙醇酸,可提供深層脫皮作用,清除毛孔堵...

30ml/1oz NT$1,594
Payot Pate Grise Masque Charbon-超吸收柔和護理 (Pate Grise Masque Charbon - Ultra-Absorbent Mattifying Care)

黑色質地啞光面膜 蘊含源自日本橡樹的木炭,具有超強吸收性 含有超柔軟的高嶺土,具有淨化和疏通效果。 注入智利薄荷和鋅提取物,可控制皮脂過多 減少小斑點的大小和外觀 令膚色更加潤滑,清新,...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,039
Payot 晨間面膜(宿醉) - 排毒和亮採面膜 (Morning Mask (Hangover) - Detox & Radiance Sheet Mask)

為暗沉、疲倦的肌膚排毒提亮面膜 採用環保萊賽爾纖維製成,在 15 分鐘內傳遞美麗 富含枸杞提取物,為肌膚注入真正劑量的維生素 帶有美食、新鮮和果香的香氣 展現容光煥發和健康的膚色

15pcs NT$3,701
Payot 早安面膜 (Look Younger) - 平滑提拉麵膜 (Morning Mask (Look Younger) - Smoothing & Lifting Sheet Mask)

適合所有皮膚類型的平滑和提升面膜 採用環保萊賽爾纖維製成,在 15 分鐘內傳遞美麗 富含綠茶提取物,煥發容光煥發 減少細紋的出現 散發著優雅、精緻和美食的氣息 展現光滑年輕的膚色

15pcs NT$3,701
Payot 早安面膜(水力) - 保濕豐盈面膜 (Morning Mask (Water Power) - Moisturising & Plumping Sheet Mask)

保濕豐盈面膜,適合缺水肌膚 採用環保萊賽爾纖維製成,在 15 分鐘內傳遞美麗 蘊含竹提取物,為肌膚補水保濕 帶有花香、細膩和水生氣息 令肌膚水潤、豐盈、舒適 非常適合在匆忙的早晨使用

15pcs NT$3,701
Payot 早安面膜 (冬天來了) - 滋養舒緩面膜 (Morning Mask (Winter Is Coming) - Nourishing & Comforting Sheet Mask)

滋養和舒緩面膜,適合乾性至極乾性皮膚 採用環保萊賽爾纖維製成,在 15 分鐘內傳遞美麗 富含鱷梨油,可深層滋養和舒緩肌膚免受外部侵害 帶有花香、細膩和水生氣息 令肌膚舒適健康 適合冬天使...

15pcs NT$2,304
Payot 早安面膜 (Teens Dream) - 淨化抗瑕疵片狀面膜 (Morning Mask (Teens Dream) - Purifying & Anti-Imperfections Sheet Mask)

適合混合性至油性皮膚的淨化和抗瑕疵面膜 採用環保萊賽爾纖維製成,在 15 分鐘內傳遞美麗 富含茶樹油提取物,淨化肌膚,收緊毛孔 治療油性皮膚並消除難看的瑕疵 散發清新細膩的花果香 恢復完...

15pcs NT$3,701
Payot Nutricia Baume Levres Cocoon - 舒緩滋養唇部護理 (Nutricia Baume Levres Cocoon - Comforting Nourishing Lip Care)

針對乾燥和皸裂的嘴唇進行滋養治療 超美味,融化的香膏質地,沒有粘膩感 含有甜杏仁油、覆盆子籽油、繡線菊油、有機椰子油和乳木果油 強力滋養、舒緩、保護和修復最乾燥和最脆弱的雙唇 令雙唇柔軟、...

6g/0.21oz NT$1,005
Payot Masque DTox 活膚亮採面膜 (Masque DTox Revitalising Radiance Mask)

提亮排毒面膜 完美清潔肌膚,同時尊重和消除多餘的皮脂、雜質和污染物 立即消除所有疲勞跡象 出門前和任何時候提供快速美容提升 令肌膚潔淨、透亮、透亮 適合所有膚質

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,089
Payot Rituel Corps 杏仁殼去角質融化霜 (Rituel Corps Exfoliating Melt-In Cream With Almond Shells)

含有開心果和甜杏仁提取物的美味身體磨砂膏 注入微粒以提供機械去角質作用 去除皮膚上的雜質並激活細胞更新 含有乳木果油、荷荷巴油和杏仁油,具有保濕功效 為肌膚提供繭和美食時刻 使皮膚更容易...

200ml/6.7oz NT$1,072
Payot Pate Grise Masque Charbon - 超吸水啞光護理(沙龍大小) (Pate Grise Masque Charbon - Ultra-Absorbent Mattifying Care (Salon Size))

黑色質地的啞光面膜 採用源自日本橡樹的木炭配製而成,具有超強吸水性 含有超柔軟的高嶺土,用於淨化和清潔。疏通效果 注入智利薄荷和鋅提取物控制多餘的皮脂 減小尺寸和出現小瑕疵 推出更光滑、...

200ml/6.7oz NT$2,203
Payot Supreme Jeunesse Le Masque 全球青春亮採面膜 (Supreme Jeunesse Le Masque Global Youth Illuminated Mask)

一款煥發光彩、煥發活力的面膜 具有玫瑰粉色,豐富舒適的質地 含有木蘭和白蘭花提取物、透明質酸和維生素 C 有助於減少皺紋,緩解皮膚乾燥和減少黑斑 注入月光石,為肌膚帶來光彩 散發著神聖優...

50ml/1.6oz NT$2,271
Payot Sunny Merveilleuse Gelee De Douche 曬後膠束清潔凝膠(用於面部、身體和頭髮) (Sunny Merveilleuse Gelee De Douche The After-Sun Micellar Cleaning Gel (For Face, Body & Hair))

適用於面部、身體和頭髮的 3 合 1 曬後潔面啫喱 略帶藍色和乳白色的質地可產生豐富的泡沫 使用膠束技術溫和清潔和去除沙子、鹽和氯殘留物,甚至是防曬劑 富含植物油,可軟化皮膚和修復鬃毛 令...

200ml/6.7oz NT$1,005
Payot Baume Fraicheur Agrumes 含紅紋石提取物的按摩膏(沙龍產品) (Baume Fraicheur Agrumes Massage Balm with Rhodochrosite Extract (Salon Product))

適用於面部、頸部和肩部的芳香按摩膏 富含菱錳礦提取物,提供身體和精神能量,同時為靈魂注入活力 促進積極和愉快的精神,同時舒緩情緒壓力 在皮膚病學控制下測試 僅供專業使用

200ml/6.7oz NT$2,389
Payot 面部移動活膚滾輪 (Face Moving Revitalizing Facial Roller)

鋅質按摩滾輪,非常適合儀式護理 通過刺激面部、頸部和肩部的關鍵點,幫助緊緻組織並增強皮膚彈性 早上撫平面部,晚上放鬆肌肉 可單獨使用或與面部護理一起使用

1pc NT$1,106
Payot 至尊婕斯 Le Regard 全面青春眼部護理 (Supreme Jeunesse Le Regard Total Youth Eye Contour Care)

無香料、再生眼部護理 細膩絲滑的乳霜質地在眼周留下柔軟絲滑的面紗 含有青春過程複合物,可增強皮膚過度勞累的自然防禦能力 早上幫助點亮眼睛,晚上促進無限再生 展現更清新、更年輕的眼部區域 ...

15ml/0.5oz NT$2,069
Payot Pate Grise Papiers Matifiants 緊急防油紙 (Pate Grise Papiers Matifiants Emergency Anti Shine Sheet)

適用於中性至混合性皮膚的神奇、便捷的抗油光面膜 幫助吸收多餘皮脂,瞬間啞光肌膚 包裝在一個迷人的支架中,可放入任何包中

10x 50sheets NT$2,032
Payot Lait Hydratant 24 小時舒緩絲滑乳 (Lait Hydratant 24H Comforting Silky Milk)

24小時保濕潤膚露 絲滑、不油膩、乳脂狀質地可迅速溶解於肌膚 含有栗子提取物、黃芩提取物、白茅根提取物和蜂蜜提取物 提供持久的水合作用,同時使皮膚保持並保持其天然水合作用水平 保持身體皮膚...

1000ml/33.8oz NT$2,048
Payot Pate Grise Soin Nude SPF 30

A high protection tinted concealer Based on bamboo powder & encapsulated pigments Conceals imper...

40ml/1.3oz NT$1,039
Payot My Payot 富含維生素的亮採霜 (My Payot Vitamin-rich Radiance Cream)

純素、富含維生素的面霜,含有 95% 的天然成分 舒適的乳霜質地帶來桃皮效果 富含超級成分(有機石榴、有機枸杞和巴西莓提取物)和維生素 C 衍生物 幫助滋潤肌膚 12 小時,抵禦日常侵害 ...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,173
Payot 除臭劑 24 小時止汗滾珠除臭劑 (Deodorant 24h Anti-Perspirant Roll-On Deodorant)

溫和的滾珠除臭劑,含有 86% 的天然成分 幫助對抗過度出汗和難聞的氣味 提供 24 小時最大程度的防汗保護 含有紅沒藥醇可舒緩皮膚,氯化鋁可減少過度出汗 注入持續一整天的清新香氣 保持...

75ml/2.5oz NT$736
Payot Nourishing Body Cream  (Salon Size)

A multi-tasking body cream with a subtle pinkish color Rich & luscious texture envelops skin in a...

200ml/6.7oz NT$1,005
Payot Pate Grise Stick Gommant Purifiant

A vegan, purifying & exfoliating stick for skin with imperfections The smooth creamy texture melt...

25g/0.8oz NT$921
Payot Nue Cleansing Micellar Water (For Face & Eyes)

Helps eliminate makeup & impurities on the face & eyes in a single step Made from 99% ingredients...

200ml/6.7oz NT$870
Payot Nue Micellar Cleansing Milk

A gentle, delicately-scented facial cleanser for suffocated skin The rich & fluid milk texture he...

200ml/6.7oz NT$887
Payot Nue Lotion Tonique Eclat Toning Lotion

An oxygenating & radiance-boosting facial toner Made from 98% ingredients of natural origin Help...

200ml/6.7oz NT$971
Payot Nourishing Comforting Cream

A nourishing facial cream that comforts dry skin Contains Oleo-Lipidic complex including sweet al...

100ml/3.3oz NT$2,119
Payot 24HR Freshness Roll-On Deodorant Alcohol Free

A vegan, gentle & alcohol-free roll-on deodorant The soft & minimalist formula offers 24 hours of...

75ml/2.5oz NT$870
Payot Rituel Douceur Velvety Nourishing Hand Cream

A fragrant, 24-hour comforting & nourishing hand cream The melting texture with a powdery finish ...

200ml/6.7oz NT$921
Payot Nue Cleansing Micellar Milk (Travel Size)

A travel-size cleansing milk that effectively removes make-up & impurities Features a creamy & co...

100ml/3.3oz NT$685
Payot Nue Rejuvenating Cleansing Micellar Cream

A rejuvenating cleansing cream that detoxifies & revitalizes skin Effectively removes makeup & po...

150ml/5oz NT$1,005
Payot Nue Cleansing Micellar Water (For Face & Eyes)(Travel Size)

A travel-size cleansing water that effectively removes make-up & impurities Features a fresh text...

100ml/3.3oz NT$685
Payot Nue Cleansing Micellar Water Refill (For Face & Eyes)

A cleansing water refill that effectively removes make-up & impurities Features a fresh texture t...

200ml/6.7oz NT$702
Payot Nue Radiance-boosting Toning Lotion Refill

A revitalizing toning lotion that breathes life into skin Made from 98% ingredients of natural or...

200ml/6.7oz NT$702
Payot Nue Gentle Toning Mist (For Face & Eyes)

A gentle toning mist designed to refresh & nourish skin Features a light, airy texture that provi...

200ml/6.7oz NT$938
Payot Nue Gentle Toning Mist (For Face & Eyes)(Travel Size)

A gentle toning mist designed to refresh & nourish skin Features a light, airy texture that provi...

100ml/3.3oz NT$685
Payot Nue Bi-phase Make Up Remover (For Eyes & Lips)(Travel Size)

A high-protection, effective make-up remover tailored for sensitive skin Features a bi-phase form...

100ml/3.3oz NT$938
Payot Nue DTox Make-up Remover Gel

A facial cleansing solution designed to rid skin of impurities & revitalize its natural radiance ...

150ml/5oz NT$971
Payot Nue Gentle Cleansing Foam

A gentle cleansing foam that effectively removes impurities & revitalizes skin Features a cloud-l...

150ml/5oz NT$1,039
Payot Nue Make Up Remover Stick (For Face, Eyes & Lips)

A revolutionary 3-in-1 makeup remover for face, eyes & lips Effectively removes waterproof & long...

50g/1.7oz NT$1,039
Payot Nue Gentle Particle Free Scrub

A gentle exfoliating gel that sloughs away impurities & dead cells Features a texture that transf...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,274
Payot Exfoliating Oil Gel

A delicately-scented, sensorial facial exfoliator With ingredients of natural origin, it features...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,274
Payot Pate Grise Anti-imperfections Clear Skin Serum

A refreshing anti-spot treatment & serum for combination to oily skin Intensely purifies the skin...

30ml/1oz NT$1,443
Payot Pate Grise Ultra-Absorbent Charcoal Mask

An absorbent charcoal mask that mattifies & purifies skin Its original black texture is enriched ...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,005
Payot N2 Soothing Cloud Cream

A soothing cream designed to support the skin’s microbiome Features a cloud-like texture that pro...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,745
Payot Nutricia Nourishing Comforting Cream

A deeply nourishing & restructuring cream for dry skin Provides intense nourishment & comfort Re...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,813
Payot My Payot Radiance Micro-Exfoliating Essence

A revitalizing essence that gently exfoliates for a fresh & luminous complexion Enriched with nou...

125ml/4.2oz NT$1,005
Payot My Payot Vitamin Rich Radiance Gel

A revitalizing gel that illuminates skin for a radiant glow Features a fresh, lightweight texture...

50ml/1.6oz NT$1,443