A multi-tasking eyebrow pencil Features a rub-proof formula for long-wearing The triangular-tipp...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complex...
A lightweight, anti-aging gel cream designed to rejuvenate & hydrate skin Combines over 50 active...
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “secon...
An efficacious soothing treatment mask. Contains extract of Black Rose, the key active ingredient ...
非常適合在沐浴或淋浴後使用 令人難以置信的放鬆和舒適肌膚 Eau du Soir 帶有西普花香的微妙香氣 為肌膚注入充足水分,強效鎮靜 令肌膚倍感柔軟、清新和天鵝絨般柔滑 適合所有膚質
濃郁的香氣圍繞著水果西普香調 裝在優雅的瓶子中,瓶蓋帶有雕塑感 - 月亮和女人 前調柑橘、香菜、甜椒、肉荳蔻 中調:玫瑰、含羞草、桃子 基調:苔蘚、廣藿香、蜂蜜、麝香、檀香木
濃郁的香氣圍繞著水果西普香調 裝在優雅的瓶子中,瓶蓋帶有雕塑感 - 月亮和女人 前調柑橘、香菜、甜椒、肉荳蔻 中調:玫瑰、含羞草、桃子 基調:苔蘚、廣藿香、蜂蜜、麝香、檀香木
濃郁的香氣圍繞著水果西普香調 裝在優雅的瓶子中,瓶蓋帶有雕塑感 - 月亮和女人 前調柑橘、香菜、甜椒、肉荳蔻 中調:玫瑰、含羞草、桃子 基調:苔蘚、廣藿香、蜂蜜、麝香、檀香木
筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果
筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果
筆尖柔和而牢固的高精度鉛筆 有助於強調、糾正或修改眉毛的形狀 巧妙地填充眉毛,打造完美無瑕的妝容 尊重眉毛區域的細膩肌膚 留下乾淨、持久、自然的效果
含有植物、礦物質和芳香活性成分 增強皮膚深層的水合作用機制 加強皮膚的水循環和保持能力 消除導致皮膚乾燥的氧化作用 強效、持續滋潤和活化肌膚 肌膚由內而外飽滿,顯得更飽滿亮澤
這款散發著淡淡香氣的香皂可溫和清潔肌膚 不剝離皮膚天然保護膜 含有 Eau de Campagne 的草藥香調 提供令人愉悅的清新感覺 產生質地細膩的奶油泡沫 適合所有膚質和所有場合
獨特地結合了活性成分與維生素和微量元素 幫助滋潤眼部肌膚,減少明顯的疲勞跡象 保持水分並保持皮膚彈性 減少黑眼圈和浮腫 令嬌嫩的眼部區域光滑、煥發活力 將面膜敷在眼部,停留10分鐘
改善光擴散的超軟凝膠乳液 瞬間填補細紋、皺紋和皮膚瑕疵 消除光澤並減少暗區 讓您擁有統一、容光煥發的膚色和休息的眼部區域 含有大豆提取物,可刺激膠原蛋白產生長期平滑效果