A body lotion with reparative and aging prevention properties.Enriched with Miracle BrothTM to nourish irritated skin. Contains reparative FermentsTM and clarifying algae to help illuminate the skin and promote a more even skin tone. Marine peptides are included to address fine lines and wrinkles, while Rock Samphire, a seashore plant, supports healthy cell turnover.Body skin appears firmer, sleeker, clarified, more comfortable & younger looking
An eye concentrate formulated with unique forms of Miracle Broth Helps ensure continuous release of energy for cell renewal Helps reduce appearance of aging & eliminate dark circles, under eye puffiness Leaves eye zone smooth, supple, luminous & healthy
一個雙相肌膚再生瑰寶瓶 配方含奇蹟海藻精華TM和海洋活性成分 有助於促進膠原蛋白生產,同時增強肌膚的天然屏障 減少細紋和皺紋的出現 提供芳香舒緩效果 肌膚看起來更緊緻,柔軟,光滑,更有彈性和更年輕 使用方法:輕輕搖勻以激活。早晚塗抹3-5滴於臉部和頸部。也可按摩頭髮,修指甲和身體乾燥部位。 Note: The translation is done while keeping the HTML format intact.